Yii Themes

I have ported the awesome Wordpress theme Freshy 2 - but I can’t upload it to the Yii Themes site because it’s 1.9 MB.

The reason for the size is that it’s actually a theme with a lot of styles: 14 different looks, in one package.

Screenshots of the theme, using the default ‘freshy2’ style:





I have another theme which I’ll prepare and package, and that’s smaller. ;)

jacmoe, freshy2 looks cool! You’ve got me thinking about uploading something new.

Pictures of 5 of the styles from the Freshy2 theme - to just give you an idea:
















Otherwise, just check out Jidé if you are curios about the theme (the original). ;)

hey hey hey,


these look awesome! is there a way to break these apart and upload them individually maybe? otherwise, I can change the upload size, but back then 1Mb seemed reasonable ;)


you are right, I forgot about that feature (listing your own themes) and I’m pretty sure it’s useful. so I’ll see what I can do :)


I managed to squeeze it down to [b]1007.7K

[/b]Realized that there were some additional header images which I should have removed.

Depending on what system you use, it could be under 1MB (1024K), or not. ;)

I think it’s set to 1024 - if not, please lemme know, I’m a reasonable dude, I’ll change it :)

thanks for your hard work …


It’s up: Freshy2 Theme - thanks! :)

no. thank YOU! :D

it’s so good to see finally other people uploading stuff :)


A quick FYI for those who like Artisteer themes. Artisteer 3.0 was officially released a few days ago. It supports full width and fluid layouts. It is a very nice improvement over the 2.x series. Some of the markup has changed, so adapting themes to Yii will require a little more work for the first 3.0 theme to be converted. (i.e. you can’t copy an existing Artisteer theme from the Yii Themes site and tweak since they are based on version 2.4). There are some free Artisteer 3.0 themes at: Free Artisteer 3.0 Templates. Unless someone beats me to it, I’ll convert a 3.0 theme sometime next week. I guess I’ll be upgrading my Artisteer license.

that’s awesome! When you finished the tutorial, please shoot me a message so I can put it up on the site …



What is the name of this component or module, with you create this tab bar menu.


I think I used the built-in CJuiTabs - http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CJuiTabs


hey hey,

there are some new themes, check 'em out: http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/themelist

my personal favorite is probably: Northern Light



Added a new feature on the Theme List page, so now you can filter the themes by Artists :)

ie: http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/themelist?artist=imehesz


Thanks for the theme! It’s cool!


uploaded some new designs, you can see them on the Theme Listing page.

my favorite is probably RED PLANET. OOOoooh


Nice job. Personally, I like MANUSCRIPT the best. I’ll upload a new one soon as well.


thanks :) Manuscript is cool, but you can only use it so much, not really a generic “good-for-everything” theme (imho)

can’t wait to see yours, though!


True. I (theoretically) spend half my time on computer stuff and the other half trying to write, so I have a bias towards anything Manuscript related. :)

oh nice! are you writing sci-fi or "normal" novels?
