Yii Themes

Sci-fi, of course! I just need to finish a major edit of my first novel and get it back to my (hopefully) future agent.

Looks cool …

thank you!

if you need help with the registration or downloading a theme don’t hesitate to shoot me a message :)



It’s so good to see that so many people are using the site :)

I was just wondering what’s gonna happen first:

  • 100 uploaded themes



What do you think?


I’d guess 15000 downloads!

My guess is 100000 views!

Although several themes I see in this site seem to have similar layouts, this is surely a great initiation :) . Thanks, imehesz!

[color="#FF0000"][size="7"][center]15.000 DOWNLOADS[/center][/size][/color]

[center]and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU[/center]


Thank you :)

I think the latest Themes are pretty cool and hopefully will be very useful.


As I predicted / guessed. Does that mean I win something? One free theme of my choice? :)

Well it was not an official poll :) but you definitely WON. Actually it was not even close to 100000 views (as I guessed) :confused: but hey, I’m not complaining - hehe

[center][size="7"]Winner: [color="#FF0000"]BGLEE[/color][/size][/center]



I know a couple of you guys mentioned that the "download" function was not a 100%, so I added a new link that will give you a direct access to the ZIP file itself. Hopefully this will work …



I just uploaded a new theme based on Artisteer 3.0 for those interested: Artisteer 3.0 - Bright Ideas

Nice … :D

thanks bglee, looks awesome! keep 'em coming :)


I also faced with this problem and wrote little function to change the theme.

public function changeTheme($name){



        Yii::app()->themeManager->baseUrl = Yii::app()->themeManager->getTheme($name)->baseUrl;


It may be helpfull somebody.


If you are trying to change the theme’s CSS, make sure you are loading the correct CSS in your layout files!

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?>/css/style.css" />

Notice the Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl and NOT Yii::app()->request->baseUrl

Btw, you shouldn’t need trickery to change to another theme, just do it in the [font=“Courier New”]main.php[/font] config file.


hello i want to ask about the themes Citylights

I run it in Mozilla result like this





but when run in IE 6 results like this





color td tr does not appear

anyone know what I should do?

thanks before for the creator of citylights theme:)

Mr D,

The Citylights theme was generated using Artisteer 2.4. There are ie6 and ie7 specific style sheets automatically included. That doesn’t mean there are no bugs, of course. The screenshots you posted are using the Zii widgets. They have their own stylesheets independent of the theme. I don’t know what support, if any, Zii has for ie6. Zii relies on jquery, so at a minimum, if jquery doesn’t support ie6, neither will Zii.

thx for your answer bglee!

what I don’t understand, how come people are still trying to use/develop for IE6 when Microsoft itself stopped supporting it?
