Yii Themes


maybe you should do a WIKI article about this!

(I mean here: http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki)


maybe you should do a WIKI article about this!

Yeah. I realized that after the fact. My brain wasn’t working. I’ll reproduce this on the wiki side when I get some time.

I have editing the original post to point to this wiki how-to:

Converting an Artisteer Theme to Yii

The themes look fabulous Imehesz. Appreciate you putting the site together. We all get to benefit.


I like the new design of the themes website. Very nice.

So do I! :lol:


so some of you noticed that over the weekend we upgraded the Yii Themes site (hopefully for the better), new logo, new motto, bigger screenshots, better performance and prettier look over all ;)

There is one minor change in the backend, we switched from the Creole Markup system to the built-in Yii Markdown syntax. Just keep that in mind when you are uploading your theme…



Great work! :)

Just a correction: Markdown is not Yii, it’s John Gruber:


But I think I know what you mean.


uploaded some new themes this week: http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/themelist

My favorite is: http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/theme/74/stargirl

but the best is ;) http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/theme/75/tutorialzine-1 (my very first HTML5 Theme)

thanks for the support guys!


Imehesz, Tutorialzine is cool. :) Just an aside/fyi, but I noticed that Stargirl has some strange stats. Take a look at the viewed vs. downloaded. I’m guessing this is because of the new site design. You don’t actually have to “view it” to see it and make a decision on downloading or not? Either way, very nice.

hmmm, thanks - the backend didn’t change, if you visit this link it will automatically download the ZIP file: http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/theme/download?id=74

btw, I noticed that on couple other themes too… maybe somebody was hitting those URLs to crash the site? not sure …

Did you see the latest theme by Tydeas? not bad, eh? http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/theme/76/neutraldesk


Yes. I like it. I have to create a full width theme for a project I’m working on. I may have to take a look at this. I was thinking about using YAML (CSS Framework, not the other one) as a starting point. I’m design challenged though (hence the Artisteer stuff), so I’ll probably end up finding a free one.

I like it - Gimme’ moar! :lol:

That’s really a seriously good looking theme.


Added 2 new sorting features to the theme list:

Most Viewed - http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/themelist?sort=viewed

Most Downloaded - http://yiithemes.mehesz.net/themelist?sort=downloaded



I’m not able to download the content of themes.After downloading I’m getting a folder with 0 byte size.

How to download themes

yiiuse123, I just downloaded one without any problems. Which one are you trying to download? Try a different one and see if you have the same problem.

if you still can’t download it, please let me know which theme you are trying to get and I’ll send the zip package via email (you can PM your email address)




for those few of you outthere who are actually uploading new themes to the gallery - !!! THANK YOU !!!

I made the navigation a little more user friendly and obvious (I hope)

Thanks for all the feedback guys :) keep on downloading!!!


ps: please note, that the read circle and the arrows are NOT on the website - hehe ;)

How disappointing … :unsure:

Keep up the good work - who knows: maybe I’ll try the upload functionality soon. ;)

imehesz, nice update. Before the new design, I believe you had a "My Themes" link to list all themes belonging to the logged in user. Then again, I might have been hallucinating. Either way, that would be a nice addition, though not exactly make or break.