What version control system do you use?

The choice was between Git and Svn. Google showed that Git out of competition. So, Git is my choice.

I feel like git(hub) together with a syncing software such as Sugarsync is the most efficient way for me to stay synced across devices while maintaining user friendlyness and get away from cross-platform headaches while having minimal time to setup :)

Same for me.

SVN is very simple.

I can’t believe you’re using SVN… and especially for personal projects.

It’s insane.

The only valid argument for SVN these days is if you’re versioning a lot of binary files, like images.

Mercurial is dead simple:

hg init

hg add

hg status

hg commit -m "message"

You don’t even have to push if you’re just working locally.

And it’s got this Tortoise thing going too: TortoiseHg.

And - in stark contrast to SVN which insist on polluting the entire directory tree with .svn folders, you only have one toplevel .hg directory to deal with.

I’m using svn, but i wish i could use git in my work.

I use git, for reasons everybody has already covered ;)



Da:Sourcerer: Yes. This is why I mostly use Mercurial.

There’s hope, though. i received a hint that Mercurial might be able to talk to git. Not sure if it’s worth the hassle.

Could be worth it…

Wasn’t worth it when I checked it out, but that was years ago.

I don’t mind using Git if it’s only simple stuff.

But for full blown shit, I prefer to use Mercurial.

Interestingly, a similar poll conducted at the Ogre3d.org forum showed that there were as many Mercurial users as there are Git users.

That’s C++ developers.

So it seems like web devs are biased towards Git.

Also, a rather small percentage were still using SVN.

I see that it’s a bit high here.

That’s strange.

I really wonder why. I see no reason why language- and (d)vcs-preference should correlate. Maybe it’s a form of socialization?

I think you can blame the Web 2.0 trend for that… But it’s interesting whatever the reason. :)

I use hg solely because Bitbucket offers free private repo’s and I haven’t had the need to change.

Bitbucket offer free hosting for private git repositories too, since month or two ago.

Just noticed that. So it’s new? Thought I was imagining things at first!

Bitbucket has been offering free private projects hosting since they joined Attlasian, back in 2010, exactly since Sept 28.

Also, i use mercurial + bitbucket for all my personal and company projects.

Can’t believe so many people still use SVN, I switched to Git two years ago and it’s so much better! (no more tree errors lol)

I’m using svn and would like to switch end of year to git.