I’d like to know the opinion of Yii community on version control systems. Which one do you use and why?
As for myself, I use git. I like DVCS because they are much faster than centralized VSC and much easier to set up and use for small projects. The staging and partial commit features are also useful and I totally love local branches and git command-line interface.
SVN tons of documentation and a newbie like myself set it up with integrated trac (bugtraking) on ubuntu in 1 day. Also, I really like Tortoise SVN for windows client. I also use Rapid SVN on ubuntu client which is not so great. Just started using NetBeans and Eclipse IDE’s and both look like they have SVN support built in.
We use svn because it is more or less the standard, I’ve dabbled with git and used it on older projects but not standardised it at work due to not everyone knowing how to use it yet. Personally I still prefer svn at the moment.
I use Git via the CLI at work but prefer SVN via TortoiseSVN.
I actually can’t stand git. Every time I try TortoiseGit I always find a big problem with it, git doesn’t ignore line endings nor can it force them as SVN can with the svn:eol-style property, and I don’t like how the whole branching thing works either. I make changes in one branch, checkout the master and do git add on a new set of independent files in a new branch are still there.
My favorite ones are git and mercurial. I have experience with subversion, but I really hate when I need to work on project that use subversion for source control, because it is very slow in comparation with SCM and Hg, and because it often cause conflicts, which are not really conflicts.
Mercurial is very good (speed on Win/*nix, hooks, integration, decentralization) - excellent TortoiseHg client - one click installation for server + client.
SVN has more chances to compete with new centralized repos and features (1.7+). Needs however external server, like SVNServer for multiple repos. Plus file conflicts are sometime frustrating.
I’m actually a CVS-vet. I don’t have a single project using CVS now, though. At work we decided to settle with SVN for various reasons. I’m using Mercurial for my own projects and I am very, very, very happy with it
I have been using Git and SVN and since we are working on a small project with only 3 developers, We have chosen SVN which is easier to learn for beginners (and there is a good GUI on every plateform)!