[MODULE] phundament 2


mine too but you can change it :P . Yes, i try link, I did exactly as it is written and still does not work. I know that php 5 is acting because I already used the application on PHP 5, for example Joomla! 1.5.x and Joom!Fish 2.0.x

Thanks for help


For yiic you need to do research on CLI, not the web module. So .htaccess settings will not help. The CLI version of PHP can be different from the web module. Some hosters also provide both, PHP4 and PHP5 command line interpreters. You should contact your provider to find out more about installed versions.


I checked the CLI version which I have, and it’s a OpenSSH_5.2. I will write today to my supplier and I will ask him what’s going on :)

Thanks for help :)



I didn’t mean your client software - CLI is the command line version of PHP. It’s a interpreter, usually somewhere in /usr/bin/php. So it has nothing to do with OpenSSH.

ups my mistake hehe :)

I got answer from support, just need to write something like this : “php.ORIG.5 ./yiic install”. Thanks everyone for help :)


Hi, p2 gets better and better each day!

fixes are really nice;)

Now the most important would be to port Yii’s CRUD to p2 ASAP

Also fixing AJAX search bug and http://code.google.com/p/phundament/issues/detail?id=24

P.S. Sneak peak: is it going to be gii to CRUD?

Best regards,


When creating Cell directly(even with no data filled) it goes everywhere(in all pages all cells widgets) :) also causes PRSOD(php error screen of deaf :D )

include(P2BaseWidget.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

BTW, how is it going with p2? CRUD’ing??:)

Have a nice day!


Hi CoLT,

A cell completely without data (controllerId, moduleName, and so on) is meant to behave that way.

For example, if you would like to have the same header all over your page, you can create a widget which does that.

Set cellId as the only extended property and it will appear in all cells with this id.

But I think I could add some checks to that, how did you create it?

And yes … I included gii with a yii theme into phundament, should be more flexible even as a module.

But a few things are still buggy.

thanks for explanation, I created it for testing purposes from Admin panel -> Data -> Cells

I believe it is small issues against CRUD’ing module :) When it is possible to see stable b7 with CRUD I believe?:)

After full CRUD functionality all other issues will be solved quickly ;D




How is it going with Phundament?:) I see SVN is growing in hours!

I have downloaded latest r64 to check out ‘updated CRUDs (yii-1.1), added jui theme component.’

But after p2model’ing and p2crud’ing my table Client when trying to see result in http://localhost/p2b6/www/en_us/client it throws:

PHP Error


Trying to get property of non-object

Source File


00027:      */

00028:     public $extraLinks = null;


00030:     function run() {

00031:         $return = "";

00032:         if (!P2Helper::return_url()) {

00033:             $return .= CHtml::link(

00034:                 '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-home"></span>'.Yii::t('P2Module.p2','Home'),

00035:                 Yii::app()->homeUrl,

00036:                 array('class'=>P2Helper::juiButtonCssClass()))." ";

00037:             $return .= CHtml::link(

00038:                 '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-suitcase"></span>'.Yii::t('P2Module.p2','Module'),

00039: array('/'.$this->controller->module->id.'/default/index'),

00040:                 array('class'=>P2Helper::juiButtonCssClass()))." ";

00041:             if($this->id && $this->controller->action->id != 'update') {

00042:                 $return .= CHtml::link(

00043:                     '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span>'.Yii::t('P2Module.p2','Update'),

00044:                     array('update','id'=>$this->id, 'return_url' => P2Helper::return_url()),

00045:                     array('class'=>P2Helper::juiButtonCssClass()))." ";

00046:             }

00047:             $return .= CHtml::link(

00048:                 '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-plus"></span>'.Yii::t('P2Module.p2','New'),

00049:                 array('create', 'return_url' => P2Helper::return_url()),

00050:                 array('class'=>P2Helper::juiButtonCssClass()))." ";

00051:             if ($this->controller->action->id != 'list') {

Stack Trace

#0 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CBaseController.php(174): P2CrudActionBar->run()

#1 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\views\client\admin.php(5): ClientController->widget()

#2 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CBaseController.php(119): require()

#3 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CBaseController.php(88): ClientController->renderInternal()

#4 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CController.php(748): ClientController->renderFile()

#5 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CController.php(687): ClientController->renderPartial()

#6 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\controllers\ClientController.php(207): ClientController->render()

#7 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\actions\CInlineAction.php(32): ClientController->actionAdmin()

#8 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CController.php(300): CInlineAction->run()

#9 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\filters\CFilterChain.php(129): ClientController->runAction()

#10 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\filters\CFilter.php(41): CFilterChain->run()

#11 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CController.php(999): CAccessControlFilter->filter()

#12 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\filters\CInlineFilter.php(59): ClientController->filterAccessControl()

#13 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\filters\CFilterChain.php(126): CInlineFilter->filter()

#14 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CController.php(283): CFilterChain->run()

#15 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CController.php(257): ClientController->runActionWithFilters()

#16 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CWebApplication.php(320): ClientController->run()

#17 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\web\CWebApplication.php(120): CWebApplication->runController()

#18 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\lib\yii\base\CApplication.php(135): CWebApplication->processRequest()

#19 C:\wamp\www\p2b6\www\index.php(13): CWebApplication->run()

2010-04-13 18:37:00 Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) PHP/5.3.0 Yii Framework/1.1.2-dev

Thanks for help and fast growing CMS!

BTW new style is really good;) Still the admin panel’s letters are huge :D Is it indented to be or because of my browser incorrect CSS?



As a hotfix comment these lines:

00037:             $return .= CHtml::link(

00038:                 '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-suitcase"></span>'.Yii::t('P2Module.p2','Module'),

00039: array('/'.$this->controller->module->id.'/default/index'),

00040:                 array('class'=>P2Helper::juiButtonCssClass()))." ";

I have to add a check if you’re in a module.

or add this before:

if(Yii::app()->controller->module !== null)


This hot fix helped me out here! ;) Thanks

Now the input validations are working just fine!

But couple questions:

  1. Is it wise to see auto increment primary key on input after CRUD’ing?

  2. When trying to add new record, form is on the right side of screen(loses its place)

  3. When viewing Manage view, that background color for sortable items looks not very nice :)

  4. Oh, when viewing List of records, that spacing between lines also should be omitted on CRUD template :)

  5. Will it be possible to integrate all latest Yii CRUD features? Like create/edit/delete buttons and the search bar? It is actually very convenient to use, instead of implementing it by hand for each model. :)

Over all THANKS FOR THESE UPDATES!!! CRUD issue now gets better and gets a big PLUS to CMS!

Best regards,


No, it’s a bug.

Fixed in beta 7.

Major style, theme update in beta 7

Major style, theme update in beta 7

Yes :)

[size="5"]Download beta 7[/size]


  • major style and theme update

  • added yii theme

  • full gii support

  • various bug fixes

  • ATOM and RSS feed support

  • PDF demo fixed

  • update application and module installation

I also moved all the stuff over to Google, like the Mailing List

And phundament is also on Twitter now :lol:

Screenshots: http://phundament.com/en_us/blog?postId=49&postName=en-blog-phundament_2.1_beta_7_released

Best regards,


Great news!

I will begin testing p2b7 today!

Congratulations from my side for this urgent and valuable work in this now becoming Easy, Efficient and Extensible CMS Phundament2 !



Please, make sure you add this tiny fix: http://phundament.com/en_us/blog?postId=49&postName=en-blog-phundament_2.1_beta_7_released

I really recommend trying out the ‘yii’ theme, set


in app config.

One more thing, if you try gii (pass:phundament). Update the generated controller from default CRUDs after creation with gii.

	public $layout='column2';

Now it will use the layout from the theme folder.

And also take a look at the themes folder. I put a lot of work in here to make phundament as flexible as possible. With the fix above gii should work like a charm with the ‘yii’ theme and very good with the ‘classic’ theme.

I think the direcory layout of views/ is a bit confusing on the first look, but you’ll get used to it.

In the ‘conjunction’, there are some examples how to use skins and overwrite widget views, i.e. for P2BlogWidget.

I think this gii-thingy will get huge!

Best regards,


Oh, thanks for these explanations, this will speed up testing process!



Hello everyone!

Schmunk I have question for you, are you going to do a typical PA?



Hi maciur,

what do you mean exactly by PA?

Best regards,
