[MODULE] phundament 2

11.(b5) It’s FireFox(all things here is tested on FireFox (I’ll notice if problem occurs in other browsers after fixing FF))

12.(b5) Yeah, nice future feature! ;)

13.(b5) I have tried to update User’s Profile update fields by adding ‘firstName’, ‘lastName’ as safe attributes in P2User.php model and configuring view userupdate.php accordingly:

    public function safeAttributes() {

        return array(


            // Safe attributes when user updates his info

            'userupdate'=>array('verifyEmail','firstName', 'lastName', 'newpassword','repeatpassword'),



	<div class="simple">

	<?php echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($user,'firstName'); ?>

	<?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($user,'firstName',array('size'=>45,'maxlength'=>45)); ?>



	<div class="simple">

	<?php echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($user,'lastName'); ?>

	<?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($user,'lastName',array('size'=>45,'maxlength'=>45)); ?>


Update field become available but update is not working.


Filed :) https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/phundament/ticket/32

Are there any news on P2Crud’ing ? :) I believe the optimal way would be to use Yii’s 1.1.1 Crud in P2 ;) now it is really powerful.

:) Pretty nice CMS grows here!

Best regards,


Hi CoLT,

I fixed several bugs in the past days (see SVN), CRUD updates will take some time.

The module version, the upgrade guide and an updated release will be next.

Best regards,


Nice to hear that ;)

I have some problems on taking SVN on Windows :wink: But I’ll try to check the updates.

Thanks again!


This subversion client works very nice in my Windows VM:


And you may grep the nightly here:


  • cronjob not active yet

Thanks, just have fixed SVN with that :wink:

phundament2-app.tar.gz Size 45 :)

I’ll recheck SVN now ;)



Uh, sorry, will fix this :o

  1. Solved. The problem is only then main layout is missing(main layout specifies UTF-8 encoding)

  2. Still pending… Do you plan to exploit Yii 1.1.1 Crud to P2 by B6 release? :)

P.S. B5 install page does not find CSS, B3 install page was OK.


The problem was that Apache did not support RewriteEngine :)

Are there any hot fixes on this ticket ? http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/phundament/ticket/11

Regarding http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/phundament/ticket/33 it would be nice to throw an error like “Table ‘A_Organization’ has child table ‘B_Branch’”


Any news?:)

Hi CoLT,

please check out beta 6 - no announcement yet :)


Note: Updated module installation!


Ticket #11 (old id on sf.net) should be fixed.

In your existing app, you can add this liine to fix it, in ./views/layouts/main.php, line 20

$criteria->order = "rank";

Ticket #33 - Update P2Page schema - DO NOT delete childs

is now here: http://code.google.com/p/phundament/issues/detail?id=9

(no updates yet, you may change your db schema with PHPmyAdmin as a hotfix)

Best regards,


PS: Feeds are working now in SVN and PDF also, but you need PDFlib and swftools to get it fully working.

Issue 9 (former #33) fixed in SVN … http://code.google.com/p/phundament/issues/detail?id=9

Regarding P2Crud’ing, you may also check out gii:



I have problem with installation. Well, when I type ./yiic install, I received a message in the shell:

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.9

Content-type: text/html

<br />

<b>Parse error</b>:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in <b>/djpromo/yii/lib/yii/YiiBase.php</b> on line <b>59</b><br />

I have PHP5 on my server. Thanks for help and sorry for my English hehe :)

Hi macir,

I think the output:

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.9

is obvious :)

I think you have to apply some config or setting changes to your server to make it actually use PHP 5.

This is usually done in vhost config, htaccess or some server admin software.

Best regards,



thanks for quick answer :)

Yes, I also thought about it and configured htaccess to have PHP5, of course I checked through phpinfo() link but I still have this problem :confused: and my hosting provider is OVH.com it may something to help :)

Thank for help!

Best regards



did you try phpinfo() with a file with an .php5 extension?

Because, that would explain the problem.

My french is not the best, but check this site:


Au revoir :),
