This is basically a port of phundament (PRADO-based) to yii.
So I called it phundament II, while all classes are prefixed with Pii.
Currently there I’ve implemented PiiCellManagerWidget. This is a widget
which allows you to add any widget to your page.
It determines its location or variation from class properties and saves all data
to the database.
By default it varies by moduleId, controllerId and actionName.
You can specify the loadble widgets by module configuration.
If a widget implements ICellManagerWidget, it can show a more complex admin
interface. While from regular CWidgets the cell-manager reads the public class
properties and generates an admin interface from those.
I would really like to hear your feedback.
Best regards
PS: Many many parts are under construction, such as PiiFile, PiiInfo, PiiPage and
Latest version
[size="3"]phundament 2[/size]
Database (currently only with MySQL create script)