I’m trying PHP 5.4 (I’ll make the transition from 5.2 when it’s at least 5.4.2). So, I’ll be posting here my findings regarding Yii+5.4
I’m trying PHP 5.4 (I’ll make the transition from 5.2 when it’s at least 5.4.2). So, I’ll be posting here my findings regarding Yii+5.4
Have you discovered anything yet? i was kind of hoping this would be a post that was saying Yii would be written w/ php 5.4 in mind, given all the interesting new features they added.
NOTE: moved to proper section (Miscellaneous instead of Bug Discussion)
I’ve been toying around with v5.4 for a bit now. I only noticed some serious breakage in a legacy app for now (probably maguic quotes related. I need to dig deeper into that). Apart from that, everything is fine. It looks like current APC doesn’t work with it, so you need to pull a version from SVN. So far, no problems with Yii. but there are quite noticeable speed improvements.
If you are on a RadHat-based distro, I can recommend remi’s fine RPMs (they are mostly a backport of the Fedora/Rawhide RPMs). If you are interested what’s new: Ilia gave a nice presentation on that.
Follow-up: This PHP v5.4 PPA is fine for Ubuntu. Still couldn’t spot any bugs, but it really looks like most stuff is now really DB-bound. With Yii it turns into a real challenge to produce pages that take longer than 0.2s to render
Oh yes, the packaged APC version won’t work. But pulling a version from SVN doesn’t seem to be necessariy. As far as I can tell, it’s entirely sufficient to compile the last version via pear/pecl.
Ok, here’s one … If you’re running v3.1.9 of APC, make sure to set apc.stat to 1 and apc.include_once_override to 0. I’m seeing a lot of segfaults with other settings
I’ll try and post my result later.
HI, I’m havving problems with errors that appears in the app, that before 5.3, don’t.
Can you tell me how to "bypass" some errors ?
Undefined index: id
Stack trace:
#1 /opt/lampp/htdocs/yii-1.1.12/framework/web/CBaseController.php(174):