We have created CMS for our clients projects using Yii (and we improving it in every project). The system uses Yii module architecture (without a custom file structure - default sceleton only) and MySql database. You can find a demo site here: http://cms.goodone.lt (backend: http://cms.goodone.lt/admin)
About elFinder integration: you published elfinder connector into assets folder - this is serious security issue, anyone who has url to elFinder connector can hack you site.
At least you need to disable executing php files in uploads folder(anyone who has access to elFinder, can upload php file and do whatever he wants on server).
About elFinder2 some time ago (this summer), I have also tried to integrate it with tinyMce - but it looks ugly with iframe(as in your variant) and it can not be used in jquery-ui.dialog (as 1.x version), so I have decided to delay development of this extension until elFinder 2.x release. ( If you are interest - latest version of my elfinder widget for 2.x is here: https://bitbucket.org/z_bodya/yii-elfinder2 )
So, why you decided to use unstable 2.x version, there is benefits in comparison to 1.x?
Also maybe you would be interested in my extensions for content editing: