Yii 1.15 and form inside CjuiDialog: Items of CjuiAutocomplete not selectable

I’m using CjuiDialag to create a new model according to this wiki in a project. I have copyed and pasted that wiki code in my project, only replacing the name of the model with my own model name. Every thing just works fine except the CjuiAutocomplete widget in my _form. In my _form, I have a dropDownList for countries and a CjuiAutocomplete widget for cities.

When user select a country and start typing a city name in the CjuiAutocomplete, the correponding cities are displayed but any attempt to select one city either with cursor or mouse won’t work! the cursor or the mouse pointer deappears and the CjuiAutocomplete is left with what the user typed in. It also appears that the default (in house) css for the CjuiAutocomplete is not working.

In the actionCreate, I’ve replaced

'div'=>$this->renderPartial('_form', array('model'=>$model), true)));


'div'=>$this->renderPartial('_form', array('model'=>$model), true, true)));

That is the only modification I’ve made.

Please, help me.