Yii 1.1.8 is released

Dear Yii Folks,

We are very pleased to announce the immediate availability of Yii Framework version 1.1.8. You can download it from the Yii project site at


In this release, we included more than 80 new features, enhancements and bug fixes. For the complete list of changes in this release, please see:


This release added some useful new features. For example, you can now write custom URL rule classes to handle arbitrarily complex URL formats for your applications; the Yii class autoloader is now more friendly with 3rd-party autoloaders and can also play well in shared hosting environment. You may find more details about these features in the following pages:



Please refer to the following upgrade instructions if you plan to upgrade from an old version to 1.1.8:


Thank you for your support!

The Yii Developer Team


good job guys! keep 'em coming :)


Congratulations !!

thanks to development team for every effort put in Yii framework.

great work folks.

That’s very nice. Thanks!

I’m happy with the pt_br (Brazilian Portuguese) and the custom URL rule classes support.

Congratulations !!

Personally I’m very happy with the updated Japanese translation of the Definitive Guide in which I could make some contribution.

I hope it will help accelerate Yii in Japanese community. :)

Congrats! And thanks!

What I especially like about this new edition is that we’re now able to create urls in console apps - hurray! :lol:


thanks to development team for every effort put in Yii framework.

Great news and great job to the Yii DevTeam !!

… this realtime logging is exactly what I needed ;) …Yii rules !



Yii is the best framework!

Congratulations! Great release!

Wonderful job! It’s already 1.1.8 now :blink:. Thank you and congratulations (again). :D

Nice Effort

Congratulations & Thanks

great job!!

Great and we are waiting for version 2.0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys are getting really fast with releases. Thanks

I got this error as soon as I drop 1.1.8 framework to replace 1.1.7,

This work for 1.1.7 but not for 1.1.8

		'connectionString' => 'sqlsrv:server=localhost;database=blog',

What might happen? Thanks


352 throw new CDbException(Yii::t(‘yii’,‘CDbConnection.connectionString cannot be empty.’));

353 try

354 {

355 Yii::trace(‘Opening DB connection’,‘system.db.CDbConnection’);

356 $this->_pdo=$this->createPdoInstance();

357 $this->initConnection($this->_pdo);

358 $this->_active=true;

359 }

360 catch(PDOException $e)

361 {

362 if(YII_DEBUG)

363 {

364 throw new CDbException(Yii::t(‘yii’,‘CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: {error}’,

365 array(’{error}’=>$e->getMessage())),(int)$e->getCode(),$e->errorInfo);

366 }

367 else

368 {

369 Yii::log($e->getMessage(),CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR,‘exception.CDbException’);

370 throw new CDbException(Yii::t(‘yii’,‘CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection.’),(int)$e->getCode(),$e->errorInfo);

371 }

372 }

373 }

374 }


376 /**

I figure out! I have to comment this line out where it is required in 1.1.7 but no longer is required in 1.1.8

// ‘emulatePrepare’ => false,

congrats… dev team

all thumbs up! :)

So for example, we no longer need to use error handler to handle custom URL’s which are dynamically created via database data?