Which is better framework 2015

Both frameworks are very good, but the fact is, marketing or Laravel is higher than Yii. I Discuss it on a Brazilian community and I said that the Laravel’s dev are more engaged as the framework. They post more videos, tutorials and a lot of other things.

Here I try to up the Yii2, doing hangouts, code and other things. I think the Yii communit do tha same think. Make hangouts, screncasts, etc…

Yeah. We’re too busy with day-to-day jobs to do that much marketing stuff :( One day we’ll probably switch to Yii as primary job but currently it’s not really possible.


I have tried almost all frameworks and and keep testing whenever there is any update.

But Yii is my all time favorite. Yii2 create a huge gap and switching from Yii1.1 to Yii2 is bit tricky specially for young developers but its worth.

We are largest Yii team ( 18+ ) in India and we have trained 100+ on it.

With time , Yii2 would be winner , we shall continue supporting and promoting it.



I think Yii needs two major things:

  1. A new website, with a modern look, because the current one makes people think Yii is a stone-age framework. Not everybody is willing to dive deeper to see if Yii is worthy or not. Maybe a crowdfunding campaign could help to pay for the UX, designer and developer, so we don’t have to wait until the down of times.

  2. Strong evangelists, people willing to create the next Railscasts/Laracasts/Upcase. Spread the word, show and tell how cool Yii is. Unfortunately I have no idea how would you recruit such people.

Yes, you’re right, they are really important

Agree, need use Yii2 to create the home page:)

I don’t like current IP.board forums. It is a joke that Yii home forum not write by Yii2 or Yii1…

And a good product need a company to support even it is open source.

Such as Typesafe support Scala/Play2/Slick and so on products.

And Closure also have a company to support.

May be QianXue & Samdark need create a company to full time support Yii2, and make $ from it…

May be… there are many obstacles though. Both technical and personal.

In my opinion Yii is very stable, and always allowed me to do what i want.