December 2, 2012, 8:02pm
im new with Yii. Before i programmed my webpages with Joomla CMS or without an cms or framework.
For my first Project i want to create a website with frontend and backend.
But there I have an understanding-problem.
Where are the differents between an template (in root/themes/) and an layout (in root/protected/views/)?
From Joomla i know it in this way:
In one directory you have an template.
In a second directory you have your webpages which would be rendered in $contend.
Why did you have pages in the template directory?
Can you help me?
(Yiqing 95)
December 3, 2012, 2:07am
refer here theming
for short :
layout is used for different views of your project , if you have multi modules you can use different layout for each module .(module can think as a subSite )
but theme can be used for different lookAndFeels of you whole application !
December 3, 2012, 8:17pm
Yes, i knew this Link and i already read it.
But i still don’t understand.
Where are the differents between Layout and Theme.
and in which context stands it with the modules?
From CakePhp i knew you has your Pages and in an other directory you have your Themes. It’s linke skin’s for your pages.
In Yii you have your pages in the View (Layout)-Directory and in the Themes directory …
Sry i found out, that this is only the half truth …
To learn i downloaded some themes, to have a look, and sometimes there are pages in the theme, sometimes the theme renders the pages vom the system.
I’m confused
Sry for my bad english
December 3, 2012, 10:09pm
a layout in yii is like the index.php of a joomla template, where you can define all positions of your site
a viewfile of a theme in yii can override a default view