Suggestions for this forum

  1. Dropdown option to select what version of Yii you are using when starting a new topic

  2. Button to mark topics as "solved"

+1 for this point. I was just about to post the same idea.

As the General Discussion forum has somehow the character of a helpdesk this feature would greatly help to make support more efficient. Talking in traffic light picture, I could imagine 3 colors:

red dot: Problem not solved.

green dot: Problem Solved.

A 3rd color comes into the game during the following process:

new entry -> red flag -> some replies -> after 5 days author gets mail if request was resolved -> if author clicks ‘solved’ link->green/elseif author clicks ‘still unsolved’ link->stays red/else (=no reaction after 24hrs)->dot turns grey

reasoning behind ‘grey’:

user support energy is not wasted on dead problems, but are directed to the active/red ones.

sideeffect of reminder mail:

having clicked ‘still unsolved’ brings request to the top without the usual “hey, anyone?” posts

Another nice thing would be a filter - similar to "view new content" but view unsolved/solved/tidbit/feature topics. Some topics are not resolvable, like feature requests or examples. These should be classified as a different topic type.
