Hi All,
Good day!
Setup Details:
Netbeans: 7.3.1
phpunit: 3.7.28
selenium-server: 1.0.3
google-chrome: Version 31.0.1650.57
OS: Ubuntu 13.04
I am using the method $this->keyPressNative(“88”) that should type “x” on the textfield, sometimes it is working but sometimes it doesn’t work. Below is the part of the code that does not work. I am using this keypressnative method to simulate user typing in search textfield, where the textfield has javascript keydown event.
if ($this->isTextPresent('Search'))
$this->waitForTextPresent('Find a');
//find record that does not exist "x"
//$this->waitForTextPresent('Find a');
//while ($this->waitForTextPresent('No results found.')) {
$this->type('name=keyword', '');
$this->waitForTextPresent('No results found.');
If you guys have any idea or any work around to fix this issue, that would be great. Thanks!