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Remove emboss, change background. Change font for Yii PHP5 framework. Change font - Yii PHP5 Framework must be more wide. Remember that logo, when it is rescaled (a specially when it is minimized) should not loose sight.


Like Qiang said, it's better with White page background to more readable documentation. So just redesign the homepage draft design.

Logo still in progress so there is no logo in design

On 3 color box (get started, feature, & from blog) will replace with some picture.

The blue box that show performance highlight will show like a slide. I think it will show

*performance benchmarking

*easy to extend from extensions

*component tag like date input

*best feature like built in validation, active record, JQuery widget, cache, etc

Suggest and comment are welcome…

in my opinion this from tyohan is beautiful…really web 2.0 as the framework and original too. others looks like derivated from some website editor as Rapidweaver.

really original!

One more of this logo for today. text cut off, I think it shall not be part of the logo. Or what do you think?


One more of this logo for today. text cut off, I think it shall not be part of the logo. Or what do you think?

The "ii" is a little too abstract.  It looks like "Yo" if you don't know it's supposed to be "Yii"



and a non-serif  font for the "PHP Framework" part.

I agree

Not a few people wants to have a non-serif font for it, I used 'Comic Sans' for I want use a hand-writing font, there are so many though.

Posted Image

How about this for a logo idea?

Use 3 cubes on the bottom layer and 1 cube on top symbolize component feature of Yii and "Yii framework" inside or next to the cubes.

Or use any shape that is stackable!

What do you think?

My try for logo:  ::)


Posted Image

Oh how I envy people with that have the artistic touch and are capable of designing beautiful sites. 

I think Qiang hits on some great points about this role being responsible for the demos.  One of the largest factors that will cause Yii to grow rapidly is the demos section.  If a new visitor wanders by the demo section and sees complex, beautiful and fast sites, enhanced by jquery effectively, they will automatically say to themselves "cool, let me check out the tutorial".  Once they do, surely you will have them hooked. 

The tutorial today is good, but only touches on what yii is capable of.  It would be good to have different levels of the blog tutorial, from the basic blog to adding layers to it with many complex yii features, including jquery. 

You want people to test the demos and say "that's exactly what I'm trying to do".  If they do, you will most likely have another faithful user.

I know it's easy to make these statements rather than finding someone to do it. Just my thought though.


I agree. In this sence, I would like to write a tutorial book (in Japanese :) ) mainly how to expand a blog demo. Here is my idea.

(0) Hello world

(1) Skeleton application

(2) Very simple blog demo having only posting functionality from skeleton.

(3) Adding commenting functionality

(4) Adding Tag cloud widget


(n) Adding Calendar widget


(m) Adding JQuery


I found there are some books for the tutorial of several frameworks are written like this.

very interested on adding jQuery :)

Whatever the structure and complexity of each book, I think you are best to keep the tutorial based on one application like the blog.  This makes it much easier for the user to follow the tutorial if they are moving to the next level.



jQuery is very powerful and I appliciate the support of it in Yii much. I have written an example of extending blog demo using jQuery in the following cookbook. Hope this helps. :)



Whatever the structure and complexity of each book, I think you are best to keep the tutorial based on one application like the blog.  This makes it much easier for the user to follow the tutorial if they are moving to the next level.

I think so as well. Thanks!

I want to suggest some useful demo to be written ( and that I need :D )

  • how to make a Model input fields repeatable

example: I have a shoes Model, and I want to add more shoes to one category. So I can click to a button and I can add a second shoes input fields.

  • how to merge more Model input fields.

example(stupid): I have a shoes-color Model and a shoes-size Model ( and the shoes Model ). I add a new shows, in the show view of the shows I want to allow the user to add the shoes color and also the shoes size ( in the same form ) with only 1 submit button and process ( validate and save ) with only 1 submit.

Sorry for bad english and explanation :(


I want to suggest some useful demo to be written ( and that I need :D )
  • how to make a Model input fields repeatable

I am not sure this can be done within the current AR model…



I want to suggest some useful demo to be written ( and that I need :D )
  • how to make a Model input fields repeatable

I am not sure this can be done within the current AR model…

this is my solution: http://www.yiiframew…pic,1582.0.html

My idea was to maintain the characteristics of the old logo, and to use a modern design for the future logo.

The white line represents a new horizon for the yii framework: (earth and sky)

It is easy to use and to apply in several communication way: Website, magazine, and other more.

I like very much 1, 3 and 4 :)

So what is the consensus now? I am pretty new to Yii and are not familiar with this forum.

As far as this site is concerned, This site really can use some artistic work. The bones are pretty good. I like it. Just more juices. I like the design of CakePHP website. Strong color pallet and simple. But again, I am not a designer although some time I pretend to be.

IMO, we need to separate between web design, logo design, and banner design.