i am facing problem to fetch out records from table using Yii relationship,
i have 3 tables
Students -> ID, Name, Roll_Number
Subjects -> ID, Name
Students_taken_Subjects -> ID, Student_ID, Subject_ID
Suppose there are number of students have taken more than one subjects which are stored in the 3rd table "Students_taken_Subjects" then how i can fetch out the list of students taken any specific subject?
e.g. list of students taken maths
which one from below relationships are correct and how can i get results into the $dataProvider variable?
'Students'=>array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Subjects', 'Student_ID'),
return array(
'Students'=>array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Subjects',
'Students_taken_Subjects(student_id, subject_id)'),