Pdo Postgresql Extension Warning

Hi everyone,

I ask you please …

I use wampserever and install postgresql under wamp \ apps \ as well as phpPgAdmin. I also have activated php_pgsl and php_pdo_pgsl but I still get a warning in the PDO PostgreSQL extension in yii requirements.


Can you see whether the extension enabled in phpinfo() ?

You need to check

  1. what command phpinfo() shows and is there two sections with titles pdo_pgsql и pgsql

  2. Is there file libpq.dll in WAMP server. It might be located for example at this path C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.5/ . If such file exists then you need to add path C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.5/ into environment variables in Windows. If such file doesn’t exist - download install of php( file will be inside) and add variable into Windows environment.