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[size="7"]Open-School 2.5.5 Released[/size]

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Hello Rajith, I am trying to install the free community version 2.2.3&lt;br /&gt;<br />

I have installed WAMP.&lt;br /&gt;<br />

I am having following error while installing. Please help&lt;br /&gt;<br />

CDbException&lt;br /&gt;<br />

CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1067 Invalid default value for ‘lastvisit_at’. The SQL statement executed was: &lt;br /&gt;<br />

&lt;br /&gt;<br />

– --------------------------------------------------------&lt;br /&gt;<br />

&lt;br /&gt;<br />

–&lt;br /&gt;<br />

– Table structure for table users&lt;br /&gt;<br />

–&lt;br /&gt;<br />

&lt;br /&gt;<br />

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (&lt;br /&gt;<br />

id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

username varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

password varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

email varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

activkey varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

create_at timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

lastvisit_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

superuser int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

status int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

PRIMARY KEY (id),&lt;br /&gt;<br />

UNIQUE KEY email (email),&lt;br /&gt;<br />

UNIQUE KEY username (username),&lt;br /&gt;<br />

KEY status (status),&lt;br /&gt;<br />

KEY superuser (superuser)&lt;br /&gt;<br />

) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8&lt;br /&gt;<br />

&lt;br /&gt;<br />

C:\wamp\www\core\db\CDbCommand.php(336)&lt;br /&gt;<br />

&lt;br /&gt;<br />

324 return $n;&lt;br /&gt;<br />

325 }&lt;br /&gt;<br />

326 catch(Exception $e)&lt;br /&gt;<br />

327 {&lt;br /&gt;<br />

328 if($this-&amp;gt;_connection-&amp;gt;enableProfiling)&lt;br /&gt;<br />

329 Yii::endProfile(‘system.db.CDbCommand.execute(’.$this-&amp;gt;getText().’)’,‘system.db.CDbCommand.execute’);&lt;br /&gt;<br />

330 $errorInfo = $e instanceof PDOException ? $e-&amp;gt;errorInfo : null;&lt;br /&gt;<br />

331 $message = $e-&amp;gt;getMessage();&lt;br /&gt;<br />

332 Yii::log(Yii::t(‘yii’,‘CDbCommand::execute() failed: {error}. The SQL statement executed was: {sql}.’,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

333 array(’{error}’=&amp;gt;$message, ‘{sql}’=&amp;gt;$this-&amp;gt;getText().$par)),CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR,‘system.db.CDbCommand’);&lt;br /&gt;<br />

334 if(YII_DEBUG)&lt;br /&gt;<br />

335 $message .= '. The SQL statement executed was: '.$this-&amp;gt;getText().$par;&lt;br /&gt;<br />

336 throw new CDbException(Yii::t(‘yii’,‘CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: {error}’,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

337 array(’{error}’=&amp;gt;$message)),(int)$e-&amp;gt;getCode(),$errorInfo);&lt;br /&gt;<br />

338 }&lt;br /&gt;<br />

339 }&lt;br /&gt;<br />

340 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

341 /**&lt;br /&gt;<br />

342 * Executes the SQL statement and returns query result.&lt;br /&gt;<br />

343 * This method is for executing an SQL query that returns result set.&lt;br /&gt;<br />

344 * @param array $params input parameters (name=&amp;gt;value) for the SQL execution. This is an alternative&lt;br /&gt;<br />

345 * to {@link bindParam} and {@link bindValue}. If you have multiple input parameters, passing&lt;br /&gt;<br />

346 * them in this way can improve the performance. Note that if you pass parameters in this way,&lt;br /&gt;<br />

347 * you cannot bind parameters or values using {@link bindParam} or {@link bindValue}, and vice versa.&lt;br /&gt;<br />

348 * binding methods and the input parameters this way can improve the performance.&lt;br /&gt;<br />

Stack Trace&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#0 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

– C:\wamp\www\protected\modules\Install\controllers\DefaultController.php(222): CDbCommand-&amp;gt;execute()&lt;br /&gt;<br />

217 //create db schema&lt;br /&gt;<br />

218 $sql = $this-&amp;gt;getSql($this-&amp;gt;module-&amp;gt;structuresPath);&lt;br /&gt;<br />

219 $sqlArr = $this-&amp;gt;splitQueries($sql);&lt;br /&gt;<br />

220 foreach ($sqlArr as $script) {&lt;br /&gt;<br />

221 if (preg_match(’/(CREATE\s+TABLE|DROP\s+TABLE|ALTER\s+TABLE|CREATE\s+VIEW|DROP\s+VIEW)/i’, $script))&lt;br /&gt;<br />

222 $result = $connection-&amp;gt;createCommand($script)-&amp;gt;execute();&lt;br /&gt;<br />

223 }&lt;br /&gt;<br />

224 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

225 //insert example data&lt;br /&gt;<br />

226 $dataPath = $this-&amp;gt;module-&amp;gt;dataPath;&lt;br /&gt;<br />

227 if (isset($_POST[‘example’]) === true) {&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#1 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

  • C:\wamp\www\core\web\actions\CInlineAction.php(50): DefaultController-&amp;gt;actionStep3()&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#2 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

  • C:\wamp\www\core\web\CController.php(300): CInlineAction-&amp;gt;runWithParams(array(&amp;quot;r&amp;quot; =&amp;gt; &amp;quot;Install/default/step3&amp;quot;))&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#3 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

  • C:\wamp\www\core\web\CController.php(278): CController-&amp;gt;runAction(CInlineAction)&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#4 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

  • C:\wamp\www\core\web\CController.php(257): CController-&amp;gt;runActionWithFilters(CInlineAction, array())&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#5 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

  • C:\wamp\www\core\web\CWebApplication.php(277): CController-&amp;gt;run(&amp;quot;step3&amp;quot;)&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#6 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

  • C:\wamp\www\core\web\CWebApplication.php(136): CWebApplication-&amp;gt;runController(&amp;quot;Install/default/step3&amp;quot;)&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#7 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

  • C:\wamp\www\core\base\CApplication.php(158): CWebApplication-&amp;gt;processRequest()&lt;br /&gt;<br />

#8 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

– C:\wamp\www\install.php(40): CApplication-&amp;gt;run()&lt;br /&gt;<br />

35 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

36 // remove the following line when in production mode&lt;br /&gt;<br />

37 defined(‘YII_DEBUG’) or define(‘YII_DEBUG’,true);&lt;br /&gt;<br />

38 require_once($yii); &lt;br /&gt;<br />

39 &lt;br /&gt;<br />

40 Yii::createWebApplication($config)-&amp;gt;run();

[size="7"]New Community Edition released.[/size]

[size="6"]With latest Open-School Premium version[/size]

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Would you please add it to Thanks.


New Listing @

[size="7"]Latest version 2.7 released[/size]

New Version will be released soon.


How do you store clients data? Does your application use multi-tenant architecture with separate databases for tenants?

Yes, having separate database for each tenant.

Open-School v3.0 Multi-School version has been released.

More details at -

[Update] We are planning to rewrite the Open-School using Yii3.


Hi @traprajith,

I am developing an enterprise open source app framework here perhaps we can collaborate where possible.

I would be interested to know what plans you have from an architectural stand-point notwithstanding the target app domain.

