Hello guys, I’m the leader of NetBeans PHP Council, I’m looking forward creating a Frameworks Board inside of the Council. This will facilitate creating the NB plugins that cover the most part of the features needed by day to day PHP developer. The council members voted for creating an Yii framework plugin. But we don’t have any experts on the framework, so if you want to join do read nbphpcouncil at org.
What is needed from experts in one particular framework(Yii for instance) is to gather most info and create a kind of spec for the plugin.
What do you think? Can you be among those first Frameworks Board members ? Do you want to participate?
Hm, interesting, I have no problems with it, I will ask other members if they experience the same problems, they have by default mod_security enabled which puts your IP in black list if access more than 5 times in 300 seconds,
or something like these. I’ll check if you got there.