I am trying to get a dropdown list to have an option with a bullet.
I have a default dropdown built from the following code:
echo CHtml::dropDownList('numBubbles', $questionCount, array(25=>'25', 50=>'50', 75=>'75', 100=>'100', -1=>'Specify a number'),array('onchange'=>'numChange()'));
Then from js/jquery I can get it to append and entry to the end such as the string " •1". I use " •1" to display this. the space and bullet are purely for formatting, the db only stores the #.
Then on a reload of the page I try and recreate the altered dropdown list with
echo CHtml::dropDownList('numBubbles', $questionCount, array(25=>'25', 50=>'50', 75=>'75', 100=>'100', -1=>'Specify a number', $Count=>'•' . $Count),array('encode'=>'false', 'onchange'=>'numChange()'))
However it literally displays • instead of the bullet. I have played around with the php html entity functions and determined this is happening inside the CHTML, I tried to use encode:false as you can see, I have seen someone say to try type=>raw but it still doesn’t change anything.
Anyone have any ideas?