I created two dropdownlists using Chtml::dropdownlists as shown below.
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'min_cost', Yii::app()->params['cost_resales'],
'empty'=>'Choose one',
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'max_cost', Yii::app()->params['cost_resales'],
'empty'=>'Choose one',
Now, the above code has to work according to the below script
// Keep a copy of the default options
var $options = $('#SearchForm_min_cost').children().clone();
// Within your change handler:
var index = $(this).find(':selected').index();
I created a fiddle <http://jsfiddle.net/E3mY2/1/> with the above code. In fiddle it works fine. But, I don’t know how to call the script in order to make the dropdownlists work