[*]We may need some reviewing process for translations
There’s no language specific members in the project
For example, my pull requests has been merged by Quiang Xue and mdomba respectively. But I don’t think that they could effectively review my work … This is not a complaint to the dev team at all, but I just wanted to point out a possible problem.
As for the moment, this seems not a very big problem to us Japanese users. Fortunately (or unfortunately in fact), we’ve got not very much active users who would want to contribute in the Japanese translation.
I’d like to hear from other guys with different languages.
I agree with you… the language review is currently a problem (or not)…
for now we just merge all the languages translation requests without checking (if it’s one that we don’t understand)… the idea is that other developers that know that language will notice if there is any error and repair it or open a new issue.
Thanks for feedback. We should really move all the documentation infrastructure into the main repository and update tools. Too bad there are only 24 hours a day…
We’ve got now “build translations report” command.
I tested it on my desktop and it worked great.
(Note that you have to execute the command in a git working repository, and you should set git executable path to "PATH" environment. The command uses git to check the versions and the differences of the sources and the translations.)
I think the best solution for now is just merge all the languages translation requests without checking and than contact to an experienced professional whoa can figure out this.