Hi All Yii Aficionados,
I am a freelance software developer (based in India) with more than 15 years of experience in Microsoft technologies. Of late, I have been experimenting with open-source web development stack and the first one I’ve been looking at is LAMP. After getting hold of PHP, I chanced upon Yii while looking for web development frameworks in PHP. I immediately liked it for its power. I decided to learn Yii and have been spending some time with it. The first thing I do when I pick up a new framework is to develop a sample project that is reasonably complex and will let me use some of the important/necessary features of it. Online book store ( I usually call it Digital Library) is the one I develop to gain confidence. I developed it in Yii and wanted to share with you all. To enable all the newbie Yii devlopers to study and learn and for the experienced ones to contribute to make it the most comprehensive tutorial app, I have made it open source and put it in GitHub: (github dot com slash Krish-Chandra slash DL). Please go through the readme file to find out the features that it offers and also for the scope for enhancement.
Now, there are 3 versions of the DL app corresponding to the 3 branches:
Version 1(master branch):
Uses PHP script file for authorization data and access control filters for RBAC
Allows a book to have only one author and category each.
Doesn’t support caching
Supports database migration
Version 2(‘Caching-and-Many-Many-relations’ branch):
Uses PHP script file for authorization data and access control filters for RBAC
Allows a book to have a maximum of 3 authors and categories each
Supports caching
Supports database migration
Version 3(‘Use-Yii-RBAC’ branch):
Uses the database for RBAC
- There is an admin component for it
[*]Allows a book to have a maximum of 3 authors and categories each
[*]Supports caching
[*]Allows the books catalog to be searched based on title or author
[*]Supports database migration
Krish Chandra
krishchan01 at hotmail dot com