When you delete something in the system, how the related things are handled is done at the database level. So, take a look at the foreign key relations/constraints for the tables.
When you delete something in the system, how the related things are handled is done at the database level. So, take a look at the foreign key relations/constraints for the tables.
Looks like there is a problem with the regular expression that I was using for validating ISBN. I changed the code to use the one by Darren Neimke, found at www.regexlib.com and updated the GitHub repo. You can either change the isbn validator locally or get the latest version of the file from GitHub. His version of the regular expression should match: ISBN 90-70002-34-5 or ISBN 90-70002-34-x
thank you master krsih… i download and install latest version on your… and it works perfect now… ^^
By the way master Krish where can i change the due date to retun the book, because the default due is 2 weeks i want 1 week or days only… thnx in advance…
Check the issueBook function in DL/protected/modules/admin/models/AdminModel.php file.
thank you sir, i hope it will have an history, for example after the user borrow the books, and the user return it and the admin will click return, the user not erase in the database but go to history tab, for the reference… is it possible?