After many years using Delphi to develop desktop apps I am going to re-do an app using PHP with Yii. The app has several complex forms and I am looking for a third party tool to design the forms, layout fields etc… I am using RAD PHPXE IDE to get a prototype built since it is most similar to Delphi as it is a visual environment, but I with to stick to using Yii FW. Can anyone make any recommendations or suggestions?
And you will save a lot of effort by using a code generator. It will create the forms (and more) for you, but you will still need to tweak them and have a design applied.
Thanks for reply. My goal is to build the app and then eventually get a web designer to make it look “Nice”. I am really just looking for recomendation on basic code gen’s that allow me to visually layout fields and labels. I would then use these with Yii. For now, I will just start working with latest version of Delphi PHP and then move over to Yii.
Maybe a better approach, to avoid the cost of the migration to Yii later, is to start using it now, generating the code with gii, gtc or giix and use CSS to style the forms.
I second the Gii Crud Generator. Check out the blog tutorial for an example.
Generally I’m wary of these generators but Yii’s implementation is very impressive. Due to the built in diff tool I can see myself using this not just at the start of the project.