FlexicaCMS v0.3 released

After v0.2 released with encouragement from many of you, we are so happy to release v0.3 today.

  • Stable CMS core
  • Multilingual content support
  • Dynamic, unlimited user roles with graphical UI to manage user privileges
  • No more encrypted file in source code
  • A new theme for our demo

For the full list of end-user features and developer features, see FlexicaCMS features here.

0.2 had encoded files… now we have mandatory registration to download it, what an hassle

Being a member and allowing us to contact us for future updates of FlexicaCMS is the minimum support we ask for.

If registration would be mandatory at yiiframework.com in order to download, I think many people would never try Yii out (me included for sure) and of course those people would never supply any bugs, fixes and they would never ask/pay a core developer to help develop a project.

Y!!, thank for the advice.

While we are not sure how “many people” would be if that is the case we are sorry to miss them. It could also be a sorry you miss FlexicaCMS :)

I agree with Yii… and to add on that

(I already sent you an email from the "contact us" link on your page… but got no answer yet…)

The problem is that your registration rules does not accept my email… I think because it has an "-" in the domain name…

Try by yourself… my email is <name>.<surname>@pu.t-com.hr and please change the email rules so that I can register at least…

Because of that now my account is created but inactive… and I cannot register with the same nickname but different email…

I used the username: mdomba

I second that: Having to register to download an open source project is a no go for me. You’ll scare away a lot of potential users.

@mdomba: your account is active now.

@Mike: thank for another vote on removing register form.

We’ve worked hard for this release to be more stable and smooth plus adding some features. It’s our try to get more involvement and support from people who have watching FlexicaCMS from v0.2. Yet it’s still a young CMS that we don’t dream of a large number of users right now. We hope Yii developers can have some handy tools in the box that they can use for their projects.

Those who are familiar with Yii will evaluate FlexicaCMS the right way and may love to try it out. For those who don’t want registration, we are sorry for the current state of FlexicaCMS not allow us to do anything better but we will make it more convenience in future like we promised to provide unencrypted code and we did it.

I think download should not be restricted by registration. Look at Yii. Many developers are registered and are active contributors while download is not limited at all.

btw., Flexica looks good. I’ll definitely going to dig into its code soon.

umm activation does not work i get a blank page :)

Please try again mech7, we are updating website to bridge with SMF forum

registration page disappeared… so how can I download this stuff? OS must not require any registration for download.

anyway, its screen shots seem not so bad

I’m registered but still can’t get the download… :(

Hey [color="#8B0000"]Hudson Nguyen[/color], thanks for sharing this cool one!

I have register, download it and extract, and success!.

filesize 11.6mb, download link send via email.

cannot use fdm to download it.

hmm… i dont mind to register to download it since it made yours(if you want to filter user).

but the title gallery on your home page should be change to screenshot and make it litle big since that’s the key to temptation guest to join.

well, thats my opinion.

never try use Flexica before,

cause i don’t have any project now

Hope this will be starting point to develop some cms project.


One more thanks to Hudson Nguyen… for sending me the source manually…

@fastcrash: Love the cat icons.

The download process is managed by FlexicaCMS Download module, automatically from registration to send download link to send download file content. I can set the download option to just require email to send download but not require being a member. Though, it doesnt make any different if people dont wanna give the email.

Anyway, by registering you will also create forum account.

The .htaccess creates an internal server error… both the initial one and the one created after install :)

Thank you.

Maybe you could provide a smaller package (without yiiframework) to save bandwidth ;D

I got an error with ‘finish’ view, problem solved after change filename ‘finish.php’ to ‘Finish.php’

I’ve downloaded and installed on localhost (XAMPP). I’m impressed with what I’ve seen so far.

I don’t have a problem registering for beta software if it keeps the support lines free of ‘I can’t find the exe’ type of questions by people who download everything they can onto their PCs.

No problem with registration Hudson, but when will you be able to put some documents about widget and the permission system ?

I downloaded and tried FlexicaCMS out for a few days. Love the widget setting popups mechanism and the master category tree. Module settings is also coolz. If you can provide some developer documents then I am thinking about using your cms in some of my projects.