Viper115, glad to know you like FlexicaCMS. Unfortunately the team is not native English speakers so we are so slow on the documentation. We will try our best to post some helpful doc on the developer section.
Viper115, glad to know you like FlexicaCMS. Unfortunately the team is not native English speakers so we are so slow on the documentation. We will try our best to post some helpful doc on the developer section.
Can you please share to us the install wizard script?
I need it for an open source project that I’m restyling
The project is:
I haven’t check your license but as long as it’s GPL then please feel free to use any part of the FlexicaCMS including the installation wizard in your project. Please maintain at least one copyright notice found on header of our files.
yes it’s GPL
Anyway, sorry for the stupid question… where can I download FlexicaCMS ?
But when i try to register to download the FlexicaCMS, i got this error:
Sorry, registration is temporarily unavailable.
So, where and how to download the code then?
I confused that,this project use GPL but no source out??
2 months ago,
Sorry, registration is temporarily unavailable.
now ,still the same!
Ha haa… lucky me i have already registration from the beginning and can download it again with new version.
but hudson, where is the user manual guide?
just like how to adding page or how to add modul, how can i create modul ?
it more fast to learn with user manual and save time.
Really sorry about missing of document.
We are re-structuring the CMS and branching from it a ‘CORE’ module which will serve as the foundation of a web app and doesn’t contain CMS modules. This time we document while coding so hopefully it will be easier for everyone to use the new CORE.
Hi, why not put the code to
Hi, i provide a url to download the version of,
click the button: “电信1下载” or “网通1下载” to download it. (Because it is a Chinese website, so i’m not sure whether or not can download the file in the foreign country )
If there is any problem for providing of downloading the files, please pm me and i will remove it.
thank you.
Can u (or some1 else) re-upload the latest version?
I like the way rights are filtered. I have done similar to this with my web app, but this is much neater.
yes it’s interesting, but it only the start, i like the look, I just register and download and I will try this weekend
Just finished downloading it,Version 0.3.41.
Installation experience was great! No problems whatsoever.
The main problem, which actually gets me irritated every time I am testing it, are the links. Right after the installation, the link "Go to Admin" does not work and renders a "not found" error. After adding "index.php?r=admin" to the url, I was redirected to the default page (I guess), and not in the admin page I was hoping for. Same problem goes with news,contacts,and about.
Should there be an additional configuration to the apache conf? Adding “index.php?r=” to every “not found” page is very discouraging. Maybe it’s just me, please help me out.
I am a first time CMS user or a newbie to websites and/or web application, so please be kind enough to teach me on what to do. Thanks!
If I am in the admin page already, where’s the link to view my site? Or should there always be a need to type in something to the address bar?
And, I’m thankful for the open-source product. It was out to be tried and tested, and that’s just what I did.
Hey mjkulet,
You might need to add at least this in your httpd.conf:
<Directory "/path/to/flexicacms">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Options All
AllowOverride All
and make sure is included in your httpd.conf.
Thanks macinville, it is working now.
Maybe in the readme file, it can be included that there is a need to modify that configuration of the web server for starters like me.
FlexicaCMS v0.3.47 download:
I think that the community could fork FlexicaCMS (it’s probably the most developed Yii-based CMS) and improve it. There’re also other - embryonic - Yii-based CMSs, but in my opinion we should merge efforts to a single project.
I think we should have a CMS so that
project : CMS = Chrome : Browser
A lean, simple, nice-looking core which is extensible using hooks.
CodeIgniter has ExpressionEngine it’s time for Yii to have a serious CMS.
I saw all the Yii based CMS available there, and i can tell you that none of them is like EE, not by far .
From my point of view, FlexicaCMS needs a lot of development from now one in order to match the already existent CMS.
For me, a buzz killer is the way how Yii let’s you add/remove modules. you need to add them into the configuration array in order for Yii to know about them, it would have been ten times nicer if we shouldn’t do that and Yii knew by itself when a module is requested.