[Extension] Bbii Forum

When a registered user opens a topic a record is inserted/updated in the db table bbii_log_topic.

The record will contain the id of the last post in the topic at the moment the user opens the topic.

The entries are used to be able to display to the user which topics (and forums) contain unread posts.

Ok thats clear.

My concern now is, as forum lives years, doesn’t that table swell in size or there is mechanism to mitigate that?

Not at the moment. Truncating that table can be done without damaging anything though, but I suspect it will take some years before that would become necessary on a regular forum.

Thanks Roland. Now, the forum is working perfectly with "Cruge"

After giving it some thought, I have decided that I am going to redesign this functionality.

Hello Ronald,

Thank you for your application!

I made a translation into Russian, it is in the attached file.

And found a few small errors:

in file bbii/views/setting/index.php

in line

<?php echo CHtml::label(Yii::t('BbiiModule.bbii', 'Forum naam'), false); ?>

must be

<?php echo CHtml::label(Yii::t('BbiiModule.bbii', 'Forum name'), false); ?>

in file bbii/views/member/view.php

in line

<?php if(isset($model->blogger)) echo Chtml::link(CHtml::image($this->module->getRegisteredImage('Blogger.png'),

 'Blogger', array('title'=>'Blogger','target'=>'_blank')), $model->blogger); ?>......

it’s not work ‘target’=>’_blank’, must be

<?php if(isset($model->blogger)) echo Chtml::link(CHtml::image($this->module->getRegisteredImage('Blogger.png'), 

'Blogger', array('title'=>'Blogger')), $model->blogger, array('target'=>'_blank')); ?>.......

Hello Mono,

thanks for sharing. Your translation will be included in the next release together with the bugfixes.

Hi anyone knows how to modify bbii to use it on yii2 advanced application template?

Thank you so much

Hi Ronald, thank you for such a wonderful extension!

Have you thought about the ability to attach file(s) to a post and sending emails to thread participants when the thread changes?

Actually, I’m more interested in setting up the ability to define watchers on a thread, board, and category levels.

I’ll probably start working towards these features in my spare (yeah right!) time but didn’t want to reinvent the wheel if anything similar might be on your roadmap.

Thusfar I have always decided against adding more functionality to the module. Not because it would be difficult to do or because I lack the time, but because I want to keep the module relatively lightweight and easy to adapt. The forum only contains what I consider to be minimum requirements to be functional, and I strive to keep it that way.

However, I have been known to change my mind from time to time.

Hi Ronald.

I think this is not correct.

in file views/forum/_post.php

div class="post">

	<?php echo CHtml::tag('a', array('name'=>$data->id)); ?>

	<div class="member-cell">

may be better

div class="post">

	<div class="member-cell">

You will lose the functionality that automatically scrolls to a post on a page when you do that.

I’v got it. But I don’t use it. So I don’t see the difference.

thanks for the reply.

Hi! Where to look for the problem?

Hello Ronald,

For the second day, I can not understand how to do it, if at all possible. Maybe you have something to help? How to withdraw paginator show from the post in page ‘forum/forum/forum’? As show example in the picture.

So which way are you going this time?

I have found that this is one of hard topics in forums design!

I have not much experience with the subject of pagination in Yii, but I guess you will have to take a look at http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CPagination and http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CLinkPager and figure it out.

Good luck.

I get this error:

Trying to get property of non-object


<th><?php echo Yii::t('BbiiModule.bbii','Newest member'); ?></th><td><?php $member = BbiiMember::model()->newest()->find(); echo CHtml::link($member->member_name, array('member/view', 'id'=>$member->id)); ?></td>

Please help!

The cause is that database table bbii_member is still empty, which is most likely due to not following the installation instructions.

Login before visiting the forum again, or add a dummy user to the table bbii_member.

Hello Ronald.

In file ModeratorController.php

in line error

$poll = BBiiPoll::model()->findByAttributes(array('post_id'=>$model->id));

correct model name

$poll = BbiiPoll::model()->findByAttributes(array('post_id'=>$model->id));