Hi everyone,
I’m fairly new to yii framework, but I know some basics.
I’m developing a CV app that manages CVs (1 CV per user).
I have the folowing tables:
cv (basic info)
– education (where the person studied)
– publications (publications of a cv)
– activities
– etc (more parts of a cv)
So a User has one CV, and a CV has some basic info, and some education, publication and activities fields.
I generated the models (the relations generated are okay), so I can access education, publications, etc in my cv model.
However I want to be able to have CRUD to education, publications, etc. In other words, I want to create publications and activities but associate a publication to a specific CV. It means, activities, publications, etc belongs to a specific cv, and can only be seen, created, edited, in context of some cv.
Another thing, a cv can only be seen by the owner of that cv, that means a user can only see his own cv.
So concluding,
how do I assure that some publication, etc I create belongs to that specific CV?
how can a user just see hiw own cv? (and all his fields: -basic info, -publications (only his publications), etc)