Chartjs sans extension YII


je travaille le projet d’évaluation avec chartjs (sans extension), je fais le code sans probleme mais pas simple et clair. j’ai besoin de vos avis. je te les montre.

( I work the evaluation project with chart js (without extension), I do the code without problem but not simple and clear. I need your opinion. I show them to you. )


public function actionStats()
     * Graphique de nombre Note : A, B, C = $pie
    $pie = YII::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT * ,COUNT(note1)AS total FROM `evalsal` where note1=:note1  GROUP BY note1 and user_id');

    $ta = $pie->bindValue(':note1', 'A')->queryAll();
    $tb = $pie->bindValue(':note1', 'B')->queryAll();
    $tc = $pie->bindValue(':note1', 'C')->queryAll();

     * Graphique de nombre facture = $line1
    $line1 = YII::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT MONTH(createdat)AS mois, SUM(fact)AS total where MONTH(createdat)=:mois FROM evalsal   GROUP BY mois');

    $Factjanv = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 1)->queryAll();
    $Factfev = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 2)->queryAll();
    $Factmar = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 3)->queryAll();
    $Factavr = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 4)->queryAll();
    $Factmai = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 5)->queryAll();
    $Factjui = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 6)->queryAll();
    $Factjuil = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 7)->queryAll();
    $Factaou = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 8)->queryAll();
    $Factsep = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 9)->queryAll();
    $Factoct = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 10)->queryAll();
    $Factnov = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 11)->queryAll();
    $Factdec = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 12)->queryAll();

 * Graphique de nombre retard = $line2
    $line2 = YII::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT MONTH(createdat)AS mois, SUM(retard)AS total FROM evalsal where MONTH(createdat)=:mois GROUP BY mois');

    $Retjanv = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 1)->queryAll();
    $Retfev = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 2)->queryAll();
    $Retmar = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 3)->queryAll();
    $Retavr = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 4)->queryAll();
    $Retmai = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 5)->queryAll();
    $Retjui = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 6)->queryAll();
    $Retjuil = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 7)->queryAll();
    $Retaou = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 8)->queryAll();
    $Retsep = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 9)->queryAll();
    $Retoct = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 10)->queryAll();
    $Retnov = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 11)->queryAll();
    $Retdec = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 12)->queryAll();

    return $this->render('_stats',  compact("ta","tb", "tc",
        "Retjanv","Retfev","Retmar","Retavr", "Retmai","Retjui","Retjuil","Retaou","Retsep","Retoct","Retnov","Retdec")

        ) ;



<?php /* @var $this yii\web\View */ /* @var $model backend\models\EvalsalStats */ $this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Stats'; ?>
<?= $this->render('_sibebar') ?>



        <div class="col-md-4">
            <div class="panel panel-danger">
                <div class="panel-heading">
                    <h3 class="panel-title">Note</h3>
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <div class="chart2">
                        <canvas id="myChart2" style="height:60vh"></canvas>
                <!-- /.panel-body -->
        <div class="col-md-4">
            <canvas id="myChart2" > </canvas>
    const evalsal = document.getElementById('myChart');
    const myChart = new Chart(evalsal, {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
            labels:['Janvier', 'février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre','Novembre','Décembre'],
            datasets: [{
                label: 'Nombre Factures',

                data: [ <?php
                    foreach ($Factjanv as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factfev as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factmar as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factavr as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factmai as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factjui as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factjuil as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factaou as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factsep as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factoct as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factnov as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($Factdec as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                borderColor: [
                    'rgb(255, 99, 132, 1)',

                    label: 'Nombre retards',
                    data: [<?php foreach ($Retjanv as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retfev as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retmar as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retavr as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retmai as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retjui as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retjuil as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retaou as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retsep as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retoct as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retnov as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    }?>,<?php foreach ($Retdec as $evalsal){
                        echo $evalsal["total"];
                    borderColor: [
                        'rgb(0, 128, 0, 2)',

        options: {
            scales: {
                y: {
                    beginAtZero: true
    const total = document.getElementById('myChart2');
    const myChart2 = new Chart(total, {
        type: 'doughnut',
        data: {
            labels: ['A', 'B','C'],
            datasets: [{
                label: 'My First Dataset',
                data: [<?php foreach ($ta as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($tb as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                }?>,<?php foreach ($tc as $evalsal){
                    echo $evalsal["total"];
                backgroundColor: [
                    'rgb(75, 192, 192)',
                    'rgb(255, 205, 86)',
                    'rgb(255, 99, 132)',



