je travaille le projet d’évaluation avec chartjs (sans extension), je fais le code sans probleme mais pas simple et clair. j’ai besoin de vos avis. je te les montre.
( I work the evaluation project with chart js (without extension), I do the code without problem but not simple and clear. I need your opinion. I show them to you. )
public function actionStats()
* Graphique de nombre Note : A, B, C = $pie
$pie = YII::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT * ,COUNT(note1)AS total FROM `evalsal` where note1=:note1 GROUP BY note1 and user_id');
$ta = $pie->bindValue(':note1', 'A')->queryAll();
$tb = $pie->bindValue(':note1', 'B')->queryAll();
$tc = $pie->bindValue(':note1', 'C')->queryAll();
* Graphique de nombre facture = $line1
$line1 = YII::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT MONTH(createdat)AS mois, SUM(fact)AS total where MONTH(createdat)=:mois FROM evalsal GROUP BY mois');
$Factjanv = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 1)->queryAll();
$Factfev = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 2)->queryAll();
$Factmar = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 3)->queryAll();
$Factavr = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 4)->queryAll();
$Factmai = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 5)->queryAll();
$Factjui = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 6)->queryAll();
$Factjuil = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 7)->queryAll();
$Factaou = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 8)->queryAll();
$Factsep = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 9)->queryAll();
$Factoct = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 10)->queryAll();
$Factnov = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 11)->queryAll();
$Factdec = $line1->bindValue(':mois', 12)->queryAll();
* Graphique de nombre retard = $line2
$line2 = YII::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT MONTH(createdat)AS mois, SUM(retard)AS total FROM evalsal where MONTH(createdat)=:mois GROUP BY mois');
$Retjanv = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 1)->queryAll();
$Retfev = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 2)->queryAll();
$Retmar = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 3)->queryAll();
$Retavr = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 4)->queryAll();
$Retmai = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 5)->queryAll();
$Retjui = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 6)->queryAll();
$Retjuil = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 7)->queryAll();
$Retaou = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 8)->queryAll();
$Retsep = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 9)->queryAll();
$Retoct = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 10)->queryAll();
$Retnov = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 11)->queryAll();
$Retdec = $line2->bindValue(':mois', 12)->queryAll();
return $this->render('_stats', compact("ta","tb", "tc",
"Retjanv","Retfev","Retmar","Retavr", "Retmai","Retjui","Retjuil","Retaou","Retsep","Retoct","Retnov","Retdec")
) ;
<?php /* @var $this yii\web\View */ /* @var $model backend\models\EvalsalStats */ $this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = 'Stats'; ?>
<?= $this->render('_sibebar') ?>
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="panel panel-danger">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">Note</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="chart2">
<canvas id="myChart2" style="height:60vh"></canvas>
<!-- /.panel-body -->
<div class="col-md-4">
<canvas id="myChart2" > </canvas>
const evalsal = document.getElementById('myChart');
const myChart = new Chart(evalsal, {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels:['Janvier', 'février', 'Mars', 'Avril', 'Mai', 'Juin', 'juillet', 'Août', 'Septembre', 'Octobre','Novembre','Décembre'],
datasets: [{
label: 'Nombre Factures',
data: [ <?php
foreach ($Factjanv as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factfev as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factmar as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factavr as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factmai as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factjui as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factjuil as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factaou as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factsep as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factoct as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factnov as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Factdec as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
borderColor: [
'rgb(255, 99, 132, 1)',
label: 'Nombre retards',
data: [<?php foreach ($Retjanv as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retfev as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retmar as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retavr as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retmai as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retjui as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retjuil as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retaou as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retsep as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retoct as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retnov as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($Retdec as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
borderColor: [
'rgb(0, 128, 0, 2)',
options: {
scales: {
y: {
beginAtZero: true
const total = document.getElementById('myChart2');
const myChart2 = new Chart(total, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: {
labels: ['A', 'B','C'],
datasets: [{
label: 'My First Dataset',
data: [<?php foreach ($ta as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($tb as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
}?>,<?php foreach ($tc as $evalsal){
echo $evalsal["total"];
backgroundColor: [
'rgb(75, 192, 192)',
'rgb(255, 205, 86)',
'rgb(255, 99, 132)',