Call to a member function on a non-object

I am new to Yii and haven’t been able to find a solution to the following error. Any help is much appreciated!

Fatal error: Call to a member function getClassName() on a non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/comp/protected/modules/voting/widgets/AVoteButtons.php on line 153

My view

   <?php Yii::app()->getModule('AVotingModule');

    $this->widget('', array(



My widget AVoteButtons.php


	 * Gets the upvote button for this votable model.

	 * @return string the HTML for the upvote button


	public function getUpvoteButton() {

		$htmlOptions = array("class" => $this->upvoteClass);

		$htmlOptions['id'] = $this->getId()."-upvote";

		$label = $this->upvoteLabel;

		if ($this->model->userHasVoted && $this->model->userVote->score == 1) {

			if (!isset($htmlOptions['class'])) {

				$htmlOptions['class'] = "";


			$htmlOptions['class'] .= " active";

			$label = $this->upvotedLabel;


		return CHtml::link($label, array("/voting/vote/up", "ownerModel" => $this->model->asa("AVotable")->getClassName(), "ownerId" => $this->model->asa("AVotable")->getId()),$htmlOptions);




	 * Gets the id of the object being moderated.

	 * @return integer the id of the object being moderated.


	public function getId() {

		return $this->owner->primaryKey;



	 * Gets the name of the class that is being moderated.

	 * @return string the owner model class name


	public function getClassName() {

		return get_class($this->owner);


I want to know whether AVtable.php is a behavior class.

Where have you attached the behavior (instance of Avotable) to ‘$this->model’.

Check whether the following is helpful, if AVotable.php extends CBehavior.


         * Gets the upvote button for this votable model.

         * @return string the HTML for the upvote button


        public function getUpvoteButton() {

                $htmlOptions = array("class" => $this->upvoteClass);

                $htmlOptions['id'] = $this->getId()."-upvote";

                $label = $this->upvoteLabel;

                if ($this->model->userHasVoted && $this->model->userVote->score == 1) {

                        if (!isset($htmlOptions['class'])) {

                                $htmlOptions['class'] = "";


                        $htmlOptions['class'] .= " active";

                        $label = $this->upvotedLabel;


//Create a behavior object.

$obj=new AVotable;

//Attach behavior


                return CHtml::link($label, array("/voting/vote/up", "ownerModel" => $this->model->asa("AVotable")->getClassName(), "ownerId" => $this->model->asa("AVotable")->getId()),$htmlOptions);

Thanks for the quick response.

modules/components/AVotable.php is a behavior class.

class AVotable extends CActiveRecordBehavior implements IAVotable {

With your suggestion now I get the following error:

My Stack Trace:

include(AVotable.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]:failed to open stream: No such file or directory


Stack trace:







#2 /Applications/XAMPP/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php(174):





Please see source code of module: github dot com /phpnode/YiiBlocks/tree/master/voting

Thank you!


Your suggestion worked…I didn’t have my main configed :mellow:

Thanks again!