Best PHP tools

Right now, I’m using gvim; but NetBeans sounds like a consensus.

[size="4"][font="Arial Black"]NetBeans[/font][/size]

Best IDE but:

  • No PHP Doc generation

  • No JavaScript support

[size="4"][font="Arial Black"]WaterProof PHPEdit 5.0.x.x[/font][/size]

Best, Supports JavaScript, PHP Doc generation, great options for snippets… Love it but:

  • Too much Complex

[size="4"][font="Arial Black"]Adobe Dreamweaver CC[/font][/size]

Just PHP Editor with Nice JavaScript Support, good so far but:

  • No PHP Doc generation

  • Static Type Hinting

rocking netBean

You can use Net Beans IDE that is best debugging tool suit.


Currently using PhpStorm 8.0.1, used NetBeans but PhpStorm is much more helpful

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I am still using NetBeans IDE.

In the past, I have used NuSphere and PhpStorm as well.

(Basically NuSphere PhpED is pretty very good, but it sucks with support)


Kai Uwe Pel

I am using VIM.

Friend VIM is good? I’m using PhpStorm

I use Atom or VSCode

yes, it is awesome.
as i remember, it was a pain to learn to use it but now i can’t imagine i use anything else. :slight_smile:

I have to be honest. I was fervently against downloading and using VS Code for a long time until I gave it a chance a few days ago for an Atom replacement, basic text editing when I don’t want to use vim, and right “out of the box” it’s pretty damn slick. I mean, I’m still going to use PHP for PHP projects but it’s pretty damn nice.

Notepad++ forever :sunglasses:

Now these days i m using visual code studio. Or read here 10 Best IDE’s or Development tools.

I’ve tried all sorts of editors over the years and am presently using Visual Studio Code

Others have included:

Codelobster +special Yii plug-in