If tabs have unique id’s then it is possible to navigate directly to a specific accordion panel on a page if the ‘navigation’ option is set to true.
Example /index.php?&r=site/educational/#2 takes you to the page and opens tab 2 on page load.
This is easy to achieve by hacking the core library (which of course we never do!) but I think it is an unobtrusive and useful addition.
In your view make sure ‘navigation’ option is set to true.
$this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAccordion', array(
// additional javascript options for the accordion plugin
In my case I am creating tab content on the fly
$page = Webpage::model()->named($pageName)->find();
$tabData = Pagedata::model()->pageID($page->id)->tabOrder()->findAll();
foreach($tabData as $tab){
$data[$tab->name] = $tab->data;
Modification to core files to make this work
Modify header template var
public $headerTemplate='<h3><a href="#{tabnum}">{title}</a></h3>';
Add a counter var
public $tabnum=0;
Change one line of the ‘run’ function
echo strtr($this->headerTemplate,array('{title}'=>$title,'{tabnum}'=>++$this->tabnum))."\n";
Just an idea, I can’t see why it would be problem for anyone.
(tri - Tommy Riboe)
June 4, 2010, 6:08pm
If tabs have unique id’s then it is possible to navigate directly to a specific accordion panel on a page if the ‘navigation’ option is set to true.
Example /index.php?&r=site/educational/#2 takes you to the page and opens tab 2 on page load.
Modification to core files to make this work
Modify header template var
public $headerTemplate='<h3><a href="#{tabnum}">{title}</a></h3>';
Add a counter var
public $tabnum=0;
Change one line of the ‘run’ function
echo strtr($this->headerTemplate,array('{title}'=>$title,'{tabnum}'=>++$this->tabnum))."\n";
Just an idea, I can’t see why it would be problem for anyone.
I may be wrong, but IIRC the "activate" option would allow absolute navigation. If so you should be able to pass an initial value to the widget as is.
At least I use this for relative navigation
n = $("#accordion").accordion("option", "active");
$("#accordion").accordion("activate", n+1);
(In my case I tab forward/backwards through wizard-like field subsets of a CActiveForm, ‘navigation’: default value)
Just realized the main purpose for your solution: to generate html anchors. BTW, relative "subform" navigation is a bit off-topic, please disregard.
Thanks for your post Tommy, it helped me with one more piece of the puzzle.
I think I would change my code to
echo strtr($this->headerTemplate,array('{title}'=>$title,'{tabnum}'=>$this->tabnum ++))."\n";
This way the id would match the internal index used by the widget.
To open a tab from another tab on the same page I used
<a href="javascript:jQuery('#accordion').accordion('activate',5);">blah blah blah</a>
I still think it’s a good idea to have these unique id’s in the tabs. For example on my site I want to have a site map and be able to link to a specific panel. Most if not all pages will use the accordion widget.
Thanks for your post Tommy, it helped me with one more piece of the puzzle.
I think I would change my code to
echo strtr($this->headerTemplate,array('{title}'=>$title,'{tabnum}'=>$this->tabnum ++))."\n";
This way the id would match the internal index used by the widget.
To open a tab from another tab on the same page I used
<a href="javascript:jQuery('#accordion').accordion('activate',5);">blah blah blah</a>
I still think it’s a good idea to have these unique id’s in the tabs. For example on my site I want to have a site map and be able to link to a specific panel. Most if not all pages will use the accordion widget.
A little update here
the above mentioned href didn’t work in firefox (it worked in chrome)
So I rethought the whole thing and it seems I can do what I need without any mods to the core libraries.
I put this code in the head section of my layout/main.php
$tabnum = $_GET['tab'];
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('setTab',"$(\"#accordion\").accordion( \"option\", \"active\",$tabnum );",CClientScript::POS_READY);
Access to any page and panel can be optained this way
so now the end of my page looks like this
<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/9bae4ce6/js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$("#accordion").accordion( "option", "active",5 );
$("#jqbm4c0d0c8ba7d16").bookmark({sites:['facebook','linkedin','myspace','twitthis','yahoo','google','delicious'],addEmail:true,popup: true,compact: true,addFavorite: true});
So no changes required using this method!
(tri - Tommy Riboe)
June 9, 2010, 12:05am
Thanks for sharing your solution.