Yiiboilerplate Vs Yiinitializr Vs Standard Dev

I am very new to yii so apologies if it’s a dump question. We have been building an application, which is basically migration from an earlier written .NET app.

Naturally, there are many ways to do the same thing, but we have come across yiiBoilerplate and yiinitializr, I understand they are essentially a template for building rich, scalable application. However, is it advisable to make the app without either of them, using the standard Yii template/GII model? Specially, given that yiiboilerplate, for example, focuses so much on distributed development with front-end/back-end where (am assuming here) teams work in collaboration?

Also, while I am at it, may I also ask - when you use extensions like yiibooster or yiistrap (or any other for that matter) it’s basically an "add-on" to the already available commands/code etc. within the framework for example rich form, jquery elements etc. Does it not add "burden" to the app, given that we may not really use the extensions to its full capacity?

I know it a bit of mundane ask, but I would feel better hearing from experienced lot.

Thank you so much in advance!