YiiBase::import() support for multiple classes in one file

It would be very useful to be able to package many classes into a single file and still use Yii's import declarations. This would also be in keeping with Yii's ability to dramatically increase performance using APC and the stated purpose of yiilite.

I have been hacking on it and have a potential solution, if you think it would be beneficial. I'll use the tired example of the class nobody has ever really built: Animal!

external class file (apppath/something/Animal.php)


class Animal {



class Duck extends Animal {



class MutantDuck extends Duck implements Mutant {






class AwesomeController extends CController


    function actionDoWonderfulThings()


        if (isset($_REQUEST['inHell']))

            $ohDear = new MutantDuck();


            $sweet = new WonderfulThing();




If I put the appropriate import declarations at the top of the controller, I currently have to specify the force include parameter:

<?php Yii::import("application.something.Animal", true); ?>

in order to expect that the MutantDuck will be available in the event that $_REQUEST[‘inHell’] is set. That means I’m loading a whole bunch of classes I might not necessarily need - if we’re not in hell, I can’t imagine there would be too many mutant ducks! ;)

The idea I had to solve the problem is to use a different character to distinguish between a path (which we're using '.' for), and a class name which is the child of a file (for which i thought we could use '/').

The following specifies that the class MutantDuck, present in the file Animal, should be imported:

<?php Yii::import("application.something.Animal/MutantDuck"); ?>

The disadvantage is that we need to have an import declaration for each child class we want to be autoloadable… for example, if the controller needed to instantiate a regular Duck under certain circumstances, we would need to import both:





The following changes can be made to YiiBase::import() and YiiBase::getPathOfAlias() to support it (but i'm sure there will be a better way to do it). The changes are not huge, but I have not thoroughly tested them yet:


	public static function import($alias,$forceInclude=false)


		if(isset(self::$_imports[$alias]))  // previously imported

			return self::$_imports[$alias];




		if(isset(self::$_coreClasses[$alias]) || ($classPos===false && $childPos===false))  // a simple class name



			if($forceInclude && !class_exists($alias,false))


				if(isset(self::$_coreClasses[$alias])) // a core class





			return $alias;


		if(($className=(string)substr($alias,max($classPos,$childPos)+1))!=='*' && class_exists($className,false))

			return self::$_imports[$alias]=$className;










				return $className;


			else  // a directory



				return self::$_imports[$alias]=$path;




			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii#Alias "{alias}" is invalid. Make sure it points to an existing directory or file.',



	public static function getPathOfAlias($alias)



			return self::$_aliases[$alias];

		else if(($pos=strpos($alias,'.'))!==false)



			// remove the child class portion of the alias


				$pathAlias = substr($alias,0,$childPos);




				return self::$_aliases[$alias]=rtrim(self::$_aliases[$rootAlias].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace('.',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,substr($pathAlias,$pos+1)),'*'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);


		return self::$_aliases[$alias]=false;



Thank you for the explorational investigation.

My opinion is that we should keep things simple. The current rule is that each public class should occupy a separate class file while private classes may stay inside a public class file. This is a widely accepted convention (e.g. Java, Flex). It also makes code maintenance easier.

I believe your approach will increase performance when using APC. However, the result won't be as dramastic as yiilite because you don't want to pack tens of classes into a single file (like yiilite) for your project. And if so, you should just include the merged file so that APC can take care of it.