Yiiauth - Something Wrong With Facebook

Hi all!

I am trying to use Yiiauth (hybridauth module for yii) to login in mywebsite with facebook.

I installed and configurated all, as in the documentation appears.

The problem comes when i click on facebook logo to login with it, it is going to facebook, it shows me the app permissions which i accepted and then when it is suppose to send me back to my page, it tells me "Something wrong with facebook", the url where it stay is


I checked the configuration of my APP on facebook, but apparently it is ok.

This is how my main.php config file looks like:


	'userClass'=>'User', //the name of your Userclass


		"base_url" => 'http://'. $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/hybridauth', 

		"providers" => array ( 

		 // openid providers

		    "OpenID" => array (

		         "enabled" => true


		     "Yahoo" => array ( 

		         "enabled" => false 


		     "AOL"  => array ( 

		         "enabled" => true 


			"Google" => array ( 

				"enabled" => false,

				"keys"    => array ("id" => "", "secret" => "" ),

				"scope"   => ""


			"Facebook" => array ( 

				"enabled" => true,

				"keys"    => array ( "id" => "XXXXXXXXXXXX", "secret" => "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ),

			    	"scope"   => "email", 

			        "display" => "popup" 


			"Twitter" => array ( 

				"enabled" => false,

				"keys"    => array ( "key" => "SSDSDDSDSDSD", "secret" => "VSDSDSDSDSSDSSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSD0" ) 


			// windows live

			"Live" => array ( 

				"enabled" => false,

				"keys"    => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" ) 


			"MySpace" => array ( 

				"enabled" => false,

				"keys"    => array ( "key" => "", "secret" => "" ) 


			"LinkedIn" => array ( 

				"enabled" => true,

				"keys"    => array ( "key" => "", "secret" => "" ) 


			"Foursquare" => array (

				"enabled" => false,

				"keys"    => array ( "id" => "", "secret" => "" ) 




		// if you want to enable logging, set 'debug_mode' to true  then provide a writable file by the web server on "debug_file"

		"debug_mode" => false,


		"debug_file" => "",



I also attached a image with my facebook app settings, because i think the problem comes from the facebook APP end.



Can You tell me please what I am doing wrong?

A example about how to configurate the facebook APP correctly would be useful so i can compare it with mine.

I will really appreciate any suggestion or clue!

Thank you very much!



nothing?! pleaseeā€¦ :rolleyes: