This is a data provider that performs data transposing.
The Transposes is done on a query object
Assuming you have a Query that outputs the following :
student | subject | grade
mat | cre | 52
mat | ghc | 40
mat | physics | 60
leon | cre | 70
leon | ghc | 80
leon | physics | 10
and we need our data to look as below :
student | cre | ghc | physics
mat | 52 | 40 | 60
leon | 70 | 80 | 10
We achive this by doing :
use Eddmash\TransposeDataProvider;
$dataProvider = new TransposeDataProvider([
'query' => $query,
'columnsField' => 'subject',
'groupField' => 'student',
'valuesField' => 'grade',
'pagination' => [
'pagesize' => 10
TransposeDataProvider::$columnsField By default the transposed output contains only the the columns found at on the query.
TransposeDataProvider::$extraFields to get other columns present on the query add them to