YII2 sef urls construction

Hello everyone!

I have catalogue with products. Urls for products looks like this domain.com/adv?id=14792. I want to beautify urls like this domain.com/adv/14792.

In web.php I tried to like this

'urlManager' => [
 'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
 'showScriptName' => false,
 'rules' => [
  'adv/<id:\d+>' => 'site/adv',
  '<alias:[\w-]+>' => 'site/<alias>',

and there is no result.

I tried another variant in rules block:

'rules' => [
  'adv/<id:\d+>' => 'adv',
  '<alias:[\w-]+>' => 'site/<alias>',

and urls start to look like I want. But on this link I get 404 page.

What does and there is no result mean?

If no 404 and blank screen you can have some php error.
Did you try whether domain.com/site/adv/14792 works?

You can use the Yii2 debugger to find out which url rule is in effect.

Or is your problem about url creation?

Sorry, I solved my problem by myself. This is my urlmanager module now:

        'urlManager' => [
            'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
            'showScriptName' => false,
            'rules' => [
              'adv/<id:\d+>' => 'site/adv',
              '<alias:[\w-]+>' => 'site/<alias>',
              '<controller:\w+>/<action:\w+>/' => '<controller>/<action>',

this construction build url from https://domain.com/adv?id=123456 to https://domain.com/adv/123456.
In view link build with

Html::a($insideEl,Url::to(['adv','id' => $ladvert->id]))

and in siteController action is
