i try tu use yii2-queue to get all stock products on a woocommerce website and update yii2 app with the results, when an url is triggered.
I actually don’t receive any error but the stocks are not updated after the queue run. The queue disapear from the db as if everything is OK…
Could any one help me ? I think something is wrong with my code but i don’t find what.
Also, i don’t understand how i could return an info, as if I do it before the ->run, it will not run, and if i do it after, i get a timeout…
here is my code :
the function triggered by the url :
public function actionWooStockUpdate(){
//ini_set('memory_limit', '1G');
$jobId = Yii::$app->queue->push(new WooStockJob());
//if($jobId){return 'ok';}
$workerId = 'my-worker-' . getmypid(); // generate a unique worker ID
The class for the WooStockJob
class WooStockJob extends BaseObject implements \yii\queue\JobInterface
public function execute($queue)
$interneProducts = $this->getInterneProducts();
private function getInterneProducts() {
return Produit::find()->where(['type'=>1])->all();
private function updateStockQuantities($interneProducts) {
$woo = Yii::$app->woocommerce->getClient();
foreach ($interneProducts as $iproduct) {
$wooFrId = $iproduct->woo_fr_id;
$wooProduct = $woo->get('products/'.$wooFrId.'/variations');
if($wooProduct == $wooFrId){
if (count($wooProduct) > 0) {
foreach ($wooProduct as $variation) {
$wstock = $variation->stock_quantity;
$wooFrId = $iproduct->woo_fr_id;
$wooProduct = $woo->get('products/'.$wooFrId);
if($wooProduct == $wooFrId){
$wstock = $wooProduct->stock_quantity;
if($wooProduct == $wooFrId){
$istock = $iproduct->nb_stock;
if($wstock != $istock){