In register action I save User model, in same model I’ve an afterSave( ) that create a UserProfile class, copy user->id to userProfile->id and then return userProfile->save(false)
// I’ll modify the topic title a little and moved the topic to “extensions” sub-forum.
It’s only a guess, but I’m afraid you have failed to configure your user profile model for yii2-pluto. Could you show us the table schema for your user_profile table?
maybe I found the solution… since I use the advanced app of Yii2, I had extended the module both in the backend config and in the backend config, the ‘module’ parameter should not be pointed to my module but to the default one (‘class’ =>’ sjaakp\pluto\Module ',)
I paste below an example for the backend:
‘bootstrap’ => [‘log’,‘buser’],
‘modules’ => [
‘buser’ => [
‘class’ => ‘sjaakp\pluto\Module’, //not mine ‘common\modules\user\Module’
‘defaultRole’ => ‘support’,
‘identityClass’=> User::className(),
‘profileClass’ => UserProfile::className(),
‘passwordRegexp’ => ‘^\S*(?=\S{8,})(?=\S*[a-z])(?=\S*[A-Z])(?=\S*[\d])\S*$’,
//… other params
probably the model save operation was doubled!