Yii2 IntlDateBehavior

Automatic Change Date System of an ActiveRecord After finding It. Actually it converts date and time system just on representation and keep your model clean. So if you need a convertor for change time and save it on DB, you can use IntlDate trait ;).


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require meysampg/yii2-intldatebehavior "*"

or add

"meysampg/yii2-intldatebehavior": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your class by use meysampg\behaviors\IntlDateBehavior and use it by attaching it as a behavior to your ActiveRecord model:

public function behaviors()


    return [




Also in your model, you must change the rule of timestamp fields from integer to safe.

For default, behavior try to show created_at and updated_at in your desired manner which both of them are timestamp. If you wanna select other attributes, you can assign them to timestampAttributes property.


Configuration of this trait can be on two way. The first one is using Yii2 configuration array, for each model that IntlDateBehavior is attached, configure behavior, for example:

public function behaviors()


    return [


            'class' => IntlDateBehavior::className(),

            'timestampAttributes' => ['create_time', 'update_time', 'another_time'],

            'calendar' => 'persian',

            'format' => 'php:d F Y، H:m:i',

            'locale' => 'fa',




This is a local configuration. If you want to use this behavior in multiple model, you can add it as a behavior to model:

public function behaviors()


    return [




and put the configurations in params.php file. As an example, here is my params:


return [

    // some params are here

    'dateTimeFormat' => 'yyyy/MM/dd, HH:mm:ss',

    'dateTimeCalendar' => 'persian',

    'dateTimeLocale' => 'fa',


In this way you must assign value to ‘dateTimeFormat’ for date time format, ‘dateTimeCalendar’ calendar system and ‘dateTimeLocale’ for locale of showing date time information.

Supported Calendar

Thanks to intldate and intl extension of php, this behavior supports this calendar:


[*] persian

[*] gregorian

[*] japanese

[*] buddhist

[*] chinese

[*] indian

[*] islamic

[*] hebrew

[*] coptic

[*] ethiopic
