Yii2 how to set and update data from other models?

In gridview action column… there’s 3 action (view,update,delete) ,

when you click the UPDATE button… it will go to update form and the textfield is filled with data from database…

my problem is… i have other models in 1 form… i want to set their data too in the added textfield when i click the update button…

here are the 2 models,

(MAIN MODEL) evr_tbl: (evr_id,username_service_order_no,years_in_service)

&& evr_informants_tbl: (evr_id,name,position,phone_number) any idea? thanks!

provide your _form.php sample code of other model attribute for better understanding…

Heres he Main Model EVR _form.php



#use yii\helpers\Html;

#use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;

use kartik\widgets\ActiveForm;

use kartik\builder\Form;

use kartik\helpers\Html;

use app\models\EvrInformants;

/* @var $this yii\web\View */

/* @var $model app\models\Evr */

/* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */


<div class="evr-form">

&lt;?php &#036;form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?&gt;


	echo Form::widget([

    	'model' =&gt; &#036;model,

    	'form' =&gt; &#036;form,

    	'columns' =&gt; 3,

    	'attributes' =&gt; [

        	'name' =&gt; ['type'=&gt;Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=&gt;['placeholder'=&gt;'Enter Name...',]],

        	'position' =&gt; ['type'=&gt;Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=&gt;['placeholder'=&gt;'Enter Position...',]],

        	'phone_number' =&gt; ['type'=&gt;Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=&gt;['placeholder'=&gt;'Enter Phone Number...',]],



	echo Form::widget([

    	'model' =&gt; &#036;model,

    	'form' =&gt; &#036;form,

    	'columns' =&gt; 3,

    	'attributes' =&gt; [

        	'years_in_service' =&gt; ['type'=&gt;Form::INPUT_TEXT,  'options'=&gt;['placeholder'=&gt;'Enter Years of Service...',]],

        	'present_position' =&gt; ['type'=&gt;Form::INPUT_TEXT,  'options'=&gt;['placeholder'=&gt;'Enter Present Position...',]],

        	'salary' =&gt; ['type'=&gt;Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=&gt;['placeholder'=&gt;'Enter Salary...',]],



	echo Form::widget([

    	'model' =&gt; &#036;model,

    	'form' =&gt; &#036;form,

    	'columns' =&gt; 1,

    	'attributes' =&gt; [

        	'remarks' =&gt; ['type'=&gt;Form::INPUT_TEXTAREA, 'options'=&gt;['placeholder'=&gt;'Write Remarks...',]],




<div class="form-group">

	&lt;?= Html::submitButton(&#036;model-&gt;isNewRecord ? 'Create' :  'Update', ['class' =&gt; &#036;model-&gt;isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' :  'btn btn-primary']) ?&gt;


&lt;?php ActiveForm::end(); ?&gt;



here’s the Second Model EVR_iformants _form.php


use yii\helpers\Html;

use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;

/* @var $this yii\web\View */

/* @var $model app\models\EvrInformants */

/* @var $form yii\widgets\ActiveForm */


<div class="evr-informants-form">

&lt;?php &#036;form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?&gt;

&lt;?= &#036;form-&gt;field(&#036;model, 'name')-&gt;textInput(['maxlength' =&gt; 100]) ?&gt;

&lt;?= &#036;form-&gt;field(&#036;model, 'evr_id')-&gt;textInput(['maxlength' =&gt; 10]) ?&gt;

&lt;?= &#036;form-&gt;field(&#036;model, 'position')-&gt;textInput(['maxlength' =&gt; 100]) ?&gt;

&lt;?= &#036;form-&gt;field(&#036;model, 'phone_number')-&gt;textInput(['maxlength' =&gt; 20]) ?&gt;

&lt;div class=&quot;form-group&quot;&gt;

	&lt;?= Html::submitButton(&#036;model-&gt;isNewRecord ? 'Create' :  'Update', ['class' =&gt; &#036;model-&gt;isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' :  'btn btn-primary']) ?&gt;


&lt;?php ActiveForm::end(); ?&gt;



attach is what i want to happen.

CREATE EVR is the MAIN MODEL… I ADD The Name, Position and Phone Number in the create form for multiple inserts in models…

NOW, When i got to Index.php when i click the update action( The Pencil Icon.) i want the data from the EVR_informants ( the second Model ) to be pass back from the EVR Form… for update…

In below code $model = ? ;


echo Form::widget([

'model' => $model,

'form' => $form,

'columns' => 3,

'attributes' => [

'name' => ['type'=>Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=>['placeholder'=>'Enter Name...',]],

'position' => ['type'=>Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=>['placeholder'=>'Enter Position...',]],

'phone_number' => ['type'=>Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=>['placeholder'=>'Enter Phone Number...',]],




Updated :

I suppose add

$evrinfo = new EvrInformants;

in controller file and pass to view file.

than use it as below code…


echo Form::widget([

'model' => $evrinfo,

'form' => $form,

'columns' => 3,

'attributes' => [

'name' => ['type'=>Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=>['placeholder'=>'Enter Name...',]],

'position' => ['type'=>Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=>['placeholder'=>'Enter Position...',]],

'phone_number' => ['type'=>Form::INPUT_TEXT, 'options'=>['placeholder'=>'Enter Phone Number...',]],




and at time of save use





Thanks bro…

ahm… Im a bit newbie… so can you post some samples on how can i set multiple models to view?

(in my controller…)

is it here??

public function actionView($evr_id, $username, $service_order_no)


	&#036;evrinfo = new EvrInformants;

	return &#036;this-&gt;render('view', [

    	'model' =&gt; &#036;this-&gt;findModel(&#036;evr_id, &#036;username, &#036;service_order_no),



and here?

protected function findModel($evr_id, $username, $service_order_no)



	if ((&#036;model = Evr::findOne(['evr_id' =&gt; &#036;evr_id, 'username' =&gt; &#036;username, 'service_order_no' =&gt; &#036;service_order_no])) &#33;== null) {

    	return &#036;model;

	} else {

    	throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');



or the view.php in my views??


You can create object of other models.

for example:

first create object of models,

$info = new MemberInfo;

$user =new User;

then render that…

return $this->render('view', [

                'user' => $user, 'info' => $info,
