Yii2 Getting Started guide :database problem

I am following the Yii2 Getting Started guide and got successfully as

far as the guide-start-databases section.

I have successfully created a database and table on the server (I am with a web hosting


However, when I try to access the database table via

the link in the tutorial,

I get the following:

Not Found (#404)

Page not found.

The above error occurred while the Web server was processing your request.

Please contact us if you think this is a server error. Thank you.

I think the problem might be in the config/db.php file

I am being supplied with the following info from my host:



** To connect to this database in a script running on your web

server you should use the listed internal hostname.

But I am also being supplied with

Host: mysqlXXXX.XXXXXX.XXXX //I have put X in here

-The database name as in the tutorial is called


but the phpMyAdmin interface sets it to


-The username as in the tutorial is


but the phpMyAdmin interface sets it to


-The password as in the tutorial is


I have tried every variation I can think of, but still no luck.

For example:



return [

'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',

'dsn' => 'mysql:host=mysqlXXXX.XXXXXX.XXXX;dbname=yii2b-7x3-u-072809',

'username' => 'yii2b-7x3-u-072809',

'password' => 'yii2basic',

'charset' => 'utf8',



Has anyone got any suggestions? Help much appreciated.