Yii2 expert, very experienced backend developer


Better than my Yii coder, you will never find.

I have my own ecommerce www.sakuracommerce.com

  1. SOLID principles. I write code according SOLID principles.
  2. Yii. I work on Yii 7 years and as Yii expert I know all components of Yii, RBAC, Events, Behaviours, Access control, ActiveForm, ActiveField and other widgets.
  3. Good architecture, Following to Yii standarts, Using everywhere components of yii, instead writing raw code, these all are mandatory for large projects. I write accurately, quality, clean, readable, understable code with SOLID principles. Else without these all hodgie-code kills projects, money and time.
  4. Cover code with automated tests.

Here is my CV

Here is my example of coding

My skype is nurbek.nurjanov

Thank you