Yii2 Developer


I’m a backend developer, with full stack skills. More info: rubenphp . com

I’m looking for new Yii2 projects to work on. These are some of the projects I’ve developed using Yii2:

  • Usitility: Backend, Frontend using Advanced template (usitility . com)

  • HeavyCMS: I was the lead developer of this CMS (github . com/HeavyDots/heavyCMS/graphs/contributors)

  • Origin of the Memes: Backend, Frontend using Advanced template (originofthememes . com)

  • Trabajo Remoto: Backend, Frontend using Advanced template (trabajoremoto . es)

  • Private Teacher: PHP Yii2 Project to manage students and payments for private teachers (github . com/RubenPHP/PrivateTeacher)

I’m located on Madrid, Spain, and ready to work remotely on any interesting project.

Send your CV to careers@vensatechnologies.com