
Ever wanted to put some color in your bootstrap theme ?

… yes but you’re not a web designer, and each time you try to change the color of a button, it looks … :blink:

don’t worry, Bootswatch is here to help ! Take a look to the free Bootstrap template collection provided by Bootswatch, choose one and welcome to a new world full of colors !

Now to easely include Bootswatch themes into your yii2 powered website, use the yii2-bootswatch-asset.




just a short note to let you know that yii2-bootswatch-asset is now available in version 1.2.0 which includes latest bootswatch templates.

ciao … and happy new year to all Yii lovers !


yii2-bootswatch-asset 1.2.4 has been released with updated dependencies to the latest Bootswatch version (3.3.5).



Hi all,
just a short message to inform that the yii2-bootswatch4-asset extension is now availble. Use it with Bootstrap 4 and have fun !


hi i have a big problem with this extension

Yii2-bootswatch4-asset can you help me?