Yii2 auto compress assets files

Hello everyone, I’ve been facing a problem for 2 weeks and I cant figure out how to resolve it.

In my frontend and Backend applications i’ve some AssetsBundles white their js/css file and their depends.

When I update my less file it faithfully compiles the css files and publishes it on my LOCALHOST server.

But on the live server, it auto compresses and minifies the files in a dynamic folder in which I can’t access…and, most important thing, it WON’T UPDATE THEM.

Look at this screenshot to understand better:

I’ve have the following config in my common\config\main.php

'assetManager' => [

           //'linkAssets' => true,


            'bundles' => [

                'yii\web\JqueryAsset' => [


                    'js' => [YII_ENV_DEV ? 'jquery.js' : 'jquery.min.js'],




            'converter' => [

                'class' => 'nizsheanez\assetConverter\Converter',

                 'destinationDir' => 'css',

                 'parsers' => [

                    'less' => [ // file extension to parse

                    'class' => 'nizsheanez\assetConverter\Less',

                    'output' => 'css', // parsed output file type

                    'options' => [

                        'auto' => true, // optional options






(Both if I enable "linkAssets" and disable it, the problem still remains)

Thanks in advance…