[yii2-admin] how to create a menu with menu manager


I’m building a web application using yii2 framework and yii2-admin extension.

I’m trying to create a new menu with the yii2-admin menu manager but I can’t find clear explenations on how to do this task.

Can someone explain me each step needed to create a menu with yii2-admin?

Thank you


Hi, thank you for reply.

I’ve already read the official documentation but unfortunately can’t understand how this system work.

In particular:

Which files I need to create/edit? And where to save them?

How I bind a user role to a specific menu item?

Thank you



after install module and it works fine.

you should add routes to enable you to create menu items.

  • add routes (index.php?r=admin%2Froute%2Findex)

then go to menu (index.php?r=admin%2Fmenu%2Fcreate)

and start to create items, in Route field, you will see routes that you added.

final step: add this code in layout/main.php it will show menu items.

use mdm\admin\components\MenuHelper;

use yii\bootstrap\Nav;

echo Nav::widget([

    'items' => MenuHelper::getAssignedMenu(Yii::$app->user->id)


many thanks

Hi, thank you for your reply.

I’ve added some routes from the avaliable list and then I’ve created 2 menu items as shown in the attachments.

After that I’ve added the following code in the layout/main.php

use mdm\admin\components\MenuHelper;

use yii\bootstrap\Nav;

echo Nav::widget([

    'items' => MenuHelper::getAssignedMenu(Yii::$app->user->id)


maybe I need to add some code to the config/web.php file?

Thank you


Got it! I’ve forgot to add re routes to the user role!

Now it seems to work fine!

Thank you very much


Great :)

I hav 2 other questions… :lol:

  1. is it possible to add route and relative menu item for guests? I need to add the login menu item to not logged in guest

  2. the logout route give me this error:

Method Not Allowed. This url can only handle the following request methods: POST.

is there a way to fix this?


I am trying yii2 admin.

how to show assign menu for user role, for example admin role.

I have configure layout/main.php and add two menu like AleCat83 do.

I have add also two routes that I used to create menu to add routes in role admin, but display no one.

Please help me…